Dela via

Test Results Schema

The following diagram shows the relationships between the Test Result fact table and the related measures (dimensions) in the data warehouse.

Schema showing relationships among dimensions

Fact Tables

The Test Results Schema references a single fact table:

  • Test Result fact table (dbo.Test Result).

The Test Runs and Results Schema also references 13 dimension tables:

  • Run dimension table (dbo.Run)

  • Platform dimension table (dbo.Platform)

  • Outcome dimension table (dbo.Outocme)

  • Machine dimension table (dbo.Machine)

  • Build Flavor dimension table (dbo.Build Flavor)

  • Build dimension table (dbo.Build)

  • Test Category dimension table (dbo.Test Category)

  • Result dimension table (dbo.Result)

  • Team Project (dbo.Team Project) (see Shared Dimensions)

  • Area (dbo.Area) (see Shared Dimensions)

  • Date (dbo.Date) (see Shared Dimensions)

  • Person (dbo.Person) (see Shared Dimensions)

  • Iteration (dbo.Iteration) (see Shared Dimensions)

Test Result Fact Table

The following table describes the columns in the Test Result fact table.




Identifying number for the record in the table (used internally).

Result Record Count

A counter that represents the value of the test result as of the build with which the result is associated. This value is summed up in the OLAP cube to represent the latest value of the matching records as of a particular test result.

Result Count

A counter that represents a simple aggregation of the number of results run. This value is 1 for each record that represents a new result, and is NULL for those records that are used only for the purposes of aggregating "Result Record Count."

Result Transition Count

A counter that represents a change in a test result throughout test runs against a specific build. When set to 1, this value indicates that the result value for this record differs from the previous result against the same build.


Date and time the record was last inserted or updated.


Identifying number that is used by the warehouse infrastructure to track the record.


Foreign key to the Result dimension table.


Foreign key to the Build dimension table.


Foreign key to the Run dimension table.


Foreign key to the Area dimension table.


Foreign key to the Iteration dimension table.


Foreign key to the Date dimension table.


Foreign key to the Outcome dimension table.

Finished Date

Foreign key to the Date dimension table.

Agent Machine

Foreign key to the Machine dimension table.


Foreign key to the Test Category dimension table.


Foreign key to the Person dimension table.

Run By

Foreign key to the Person dimension table.


Foreign key to the Platform dimension table.


Foreign key to the Build Flavor dimension table.

Team Project

Foreign key to the Team Project dimension table.

Run Dimension Table

The following table describes the columns in the Run dimension table.




Identifying number for the record in the table (used internally).

Run ID

Identifying number (GUID) for the test run.


Character name of the test run. Set in the Run Configuration Editor.

Run Description

Description of the test run. Set in the Run Configuration Editor.

Remote Run

Boolean value that indicates whether the test ran locally (inside Visual Studio) or remotely.


Date and time the record was last inserted or updated.


Value describing whether the dimension member has been fully populated (used internally).

Platform Dimension Table

The following table describes the columns in the Platform dimension table.




Identifying number for the record in the table (used internally).


Platform defined for a build type.


Date and time the record was last inserted or updated.


Value describing whether the dimension member has been fully populated (used internally).

Outcome Dimension Table

The following table describes the columns in the Outcome dimension table.




Identifying number for the record in the table (used internally).


Outcome of the test. Possible values include the following:

  • Aborted

  • Completed

  • Disconnected

  • Timeout

  • Error

  • Failed

  • Inconclusive

  • In Progress

  • Not Executed

  • Not Runnable

  • Passed

  • Passed (run aborted)

  • Pending

  • Warning

Outcome Passing

Boolean value that indicates whether the Outcome is passing the test. Possible values include the following:

  • Passed

  • Completed

  • Warning


Date and time the record was last inserted or updated.


Value describing whether the dimension member has been fully populated (used internally).

Machine Dimension Table

The following table describes the columns in the Machine dimension table.




Identifying number for the record in the table (used internally).


Name of the computer that is used.


Date and time the record was last inserted or updated.


Value describing whether the dimension member has been fully populated (used internally).

Build Flavor Dimension Table

The following table describes the columns in the Build Flavor dimension table.




Identifying number for the record in the table (used internally).

Build Flavor

The configuration of the build. The possible values include the following:

  • Debug

  • Release

  • Any valid configuration created by the process template.

Set in the New Team Build Type Creation Wizard. For more information, see How to: Create a Build Definition.


Date and time the record was last inserted or updated.


Whether the dimension member has been fully populated (used internally).

Build Dimension Table

The following table describes the columns in the Build dimension table. The table contains one row for each team build.




Identifying number for the record in the table (used internally).

Build Artifact Moniker

Identification number that is used to link an object, such as a work item, with a specific build.


Number or name used to uniquely identify the build.

Build Type

Name of the build type. Set in the New Team Build Type Creation Wizard. For more information, see How to: Create a Build Definition.

Selected from the Team Builds node in Team Explorer. For more information, see How to: Queue or Start a Build Definition.

Drop Location

The server and share where the completed build will be put. Set in the New Team Build Type Creation Wizard. For more information, see How to: Create a Build Definition.

Build Start Time

Date and time the build began


Date and time the record was last inserted or updated.


Whether the dimension member has been fully populated (used internally).

Test Category Dimension Table

The following table describes the columns in the Test Category dimension table.




Identifying number for the record in the table (used internally).

Category ID

Identifying number (GUID) for the test category.

Test Category

Character name of the test category. Set in the Create New Test List dialog box.

Category Full Name

Full path of the test category.

Parent Category

Identifying number (GUID) for the parent category of the test category.


Identifying number (GUID) for the parent category.


Date and time the record was last inserted or updated.


Value describing whether the dimension member has been fully populated (used internally).

Result Dimension Table

The following table describes the columns in the Result dimension table.




Identifying number for the record in the table (used internally).

Result ID

Identifying number (GUID) for the test result.


The name of the Test Result of the test. By default, this is the timestamp of the time at which the test was run.


Identifying number (GUID) for the test.

Test Type

Name or GUID for the type of test.

Test Description

Character description of the test. Set in the property page.

Parent Result

Identifying number (GUID) for the parent test.

Result Root

Boolean value that indicates whether the test ran inside another test or as standalone test.

Error Message

Error message displayed when the test failed.

Load Test Agent List

List of the agents on which the Load test runs.

End Time

Date and time the test finished.


Date and time the record was last inserted or updated.


Whether the dimension member has been fully populated (used internally).

See Also


Test Results Perspective

Other Resources

Relational Schemas