Compiler Error CS1728
Cannot bind delegate to 'member' because it is a member of 'type'
You cannot bind delegates to members of Nullable types.
The following sample generates CS1728:
// CS1728.cs
class Test
delegate T GetT<T>();
delegate T GetT1<T>(T t);
delegate bool E(object o);
delegate int I();
delegate string S();
static void Main()
int? x = null;
int? y = 5;
GetT<int> d1 = x.GetValueOrDefault; // CS1728
GetT<int> d2 = y.GetValueOrDefault; // CS1728
GetT1<int> d3 = x.GetValueOrDefault; // CS1728
GetT1<int> d4 = y.GetValueOrDefault; // CS1728