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How to: Create Complex Settings

Complex settings are those that potentially contain more than one value. In the Settings and Constraints Editor, complex settings are accessed by clicking the ellipsis () displayed in the Value column for some settings. Examples of complex settings include the ServerBindings setting on Web sites and the AuthenticationModulesSection setting on a Web application.

To add a complex setting

  1. Click the ellipsis () in the Value field.

    The ComplexSettings Collection Editor appears.

  2. Click Add to add a new complex setting entry under Members.

  3. Enter the values of the complex setting under Properties and click OK.

  4. Under Operator, choose the appropriate option from the list. Options are Contains All, Contains One, and Contains None.

For a detailed example of how to set a complex setting, see How to: Restrict HTTP and HTTPS Traffic into a Zone to a Specific Port.

To remove a complex setting

  1. Open the ComplexSettings Collection Editor.

  2. Under Members, select the setting to remove.

  3. Click Remove and then click OK.


Visual Studio saves predefined settings and custom settings as plain text (unencrypted) in System Definition Model (SDM) documents such as distributed system diagram (.ad, .ldd, and .sd) files, application definition (.sdm) files, and custom prototype (.adprototype and .lddprototype) files. For more information, see Overview of the System Definition Model (SDM) and Extending Distributed System Designers. For certain settings, Visual Studio display masked versions in parts of Distributed System Designers and does not save them in .sdm or .ad files. For more information, see Considerations for Implementing Applications. Therefore, avoid storing sensitive, confidential, or proprietary data in settings where safe versions are not displayed and be aware of this consideration prior to distributing these files.

See Also

Other Resources

Applying Settings