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Walkthrough: Creating a New Team Project from an Existing Team Project

This walkthrough shows you how to create a new team project named Adventure Works Version 2.0 based on an existing team project named AdventureWorks. Tasks illustrated in this walkthrough include the following:

  • Creating the new team project.

  • Branching the source code.

  • Copying a work item and a query between team projects.

  • Copying a work item query between team projects.

  • Copying a document between team projects.


To complete this walkthrough, you must have:

Required Permissions

To perform this walkthrough, you must be a member of the Team Foundation Administrators security group or have the Create new projects server-level permission set to Allow. Additionally, your user account must be a member of the Windows SharePoint Services Administrator role and a member of the SQL Server Reporting Services Content Manager role. For more information, see Team Foundation Server Permissions.

Creating a Team Project

Team projects are created on a Team Foundation Server. Therefore, connect to the Team Foundation Server where AdventureWorks is stored. For more information, see How to: Connect to Team Foundation Server

After you have connected, you can create the new team project.

To create a team project

  1. On the File menu, click New Team Project.

    The New Team Project wizard appears.


    If you are not using the Project Management, Visual Basic Development, or Web Development Visual Studio settings, do this: on the File menu, point to New, and then click Team Project.

  2. On the Specify the Team Project Settings page, in the What is the name of the team project? Box, type AdventureWorks Version 2.0, and then click Next.

  3. On the Select a Process Template page, in the Which process template should be used to create the team project? list, select MSF for Agile Software Development.

    Team Explorer includes process templates based on Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF). By default, two process templates are available: MSF for Agile Software Development, and MSF for CMMI Process Improvement. Your team or organization may either provide additional process templates or remove the MSF templates.

  4. On the Specify the Setting for the Project Portal page, keep the default title and, in the What is the description of the team project portal? Box, type AdventureWorks Version 2.0 sample team project.

    The project portal is a team Web site (using Windows SharePoint Services) that stores and versions team project-related documents.

    Click Next.

  5. On the Specify the Source Control Settings page, select Create a new source control branch.

  6. In the Branch from list, select $/AdventureWorks, and then click Next.

  7. On the Confirm Team Project Settings page, click Finish.

    The New Team Project wizard creates your new team project.


    It might take several minutes for the wizard to finish.

  8. On the Team Project Created page, click Close.

    By default the Launch the process guidance for more information about how to run the team project box was selected. This causes the wizard to open the overview page for the process guidance for MSF Agile for Software Development.

    The AdventureWorks Version 2.0 team project displays in Team Explorer. Take a moment to explore the team project hierarchy by expanding the nodes. You will see that these nodes are the same nodes that appear under the AdventureWorks team project node:

    • Work Items   This node enables you to add work items and to create and view queries against the work item database.

    • Documents   This node provides access to documents such as the process guidance, functional specifications, and risk assessments that are stored on the project portal.

    • Reports   This node provides access to reports that contain metrics for the team project.

    • Team Builds   This node provides access to the builds of your team project.

    • Source Control   This node provides access to the team project source control management hierarchy.

Configuring Team Project Settings

After you create a team project, you must configure settings such as groups, permissions, areas and iterations, build configurations, and source control. You can modify team project settings by using the Team menu or Team Explorer.

In this walkthrough, you create a new group of users and add a user to that group.

To add a new group and user

  1. In Team Explorer, click the team project node.

  2. On the Team menu, point to Team Project Settings, and then click Group Membership.

  3. In the Project Groups on AdventureWorks Version 2.0 dialog box, click New.

  4. In the Create New Team Foundation Server Group dialog box, under Group name, type Developers, and then click OK.

    The Developers group appears in the Groups list.


    Repeat step 4 to create additional groups.

  5. In the Groups list, click Developers, and then click Properties.

  6. In the Team Foundation Server Group Properties dialog box, click the Members tab.

  7. Select Windows User or Group and then click Add.

  8. In the Select Users or Groups dialog box, type a user name, and then click OK.


    If the name that you typed does not resolve unambiguously, the system displays the Multiple Name Found dialog box. If this occurs, under Matching names, click the name that you want, and then click OK. Then, in the Select Users or Groups dialog box, click OK.

  9. In the Team Foundation Server Group Properties dialog box, click OK.

  10. In the Project Groups on AdventureWorks Version 2.0 dialog box, click Close.

  11. On the Team menu, point to Team Project Settings, and then click Security.

  12. On the Project Security dialog box, select Team Foundation Server Group, and then click Add.

  13. In the Add Group dialog box, click <project name>\Developers, and then click OK.

    Team Foundation Server adds the Developers group to the team project.

  14. In Permissions, select the Allow check box for View project-level information.

  15. Click Close.

You use the same team project structure for version 2.0 of the product as was used for the original team project. There is a Kiosk team that handles the work of creating software for in-store kiosks that customers can use to order or receive products. There is also a Web team working on an Internet Web site. By modifying the project structure to match the organization, you can map work items to the teams that are working on them. You can then use the categories to classify, query, and report on work items. The process template does not automatically create the areas, nor does it automatically copy the areas from the old team project. Instead, you must enter the areas manually.

To modify the team project structure

  1. In Team Explorer, click the AdventureWorks Version 2.0 team project.

  2. On the Team menu, point to Team Project Settings, and then click Areas and Iterations.

  3. In the Areas and Iterations dialog box, be sure the Area tab is selected.

  4. Click Add a child node on the toolbar.

  5. Right-click the new node, click Rename, and then in the box type Kiosk.

  6. Click the Area node.

  7. Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 to create an additional area named Web.

Next, modify the team project to specify the iterations that are planned. In this walkthrough scenario, you use the same three milestones as in the original team project. Each of these milestone marks the end of iteration: M1 Prototype, M2 Beta, and M3 Release.

To modify the team project iterations

  1. In the Areas and Iterations dialog box, click the Iteration tab.


    The MSF for Agile Software development template includes three predefined iterations. For this procedure, you can delete those iterations, rename them instead of creating new ones, or just leave them unchanged.

  2. Click Add a child node on the toolbar.

  3. Right-click the new node, click Rename, and then in the box type M1 Prototype.

  4. Click the Iteration node.

  5. Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 to create two additional items named M2 Beta, and M3 Release.

  6. Click Close.

Copying Appropriate Work Items to the New Team Project

If there are work items such as tasks or bugs that were postponed in the old team project, you can move these work items to the new team project. Work items must be copied individually from the old team project to the new team project. You can also copy any queries.

To copy work items to a new team project

  1. In Team Explorer, expand the AdventureWorks node, expand the Work Items node, and then click the Team Queries node.

  2. On the Team menu, point to Add Work Item, and then click Task.

  3. In the title box, type Meet with business analyst to collect new requirements.

  4. In the Discipline list, select Project Management.

  5. On the File menu, click Save New Task <number>.

  6. In Team Explorer, under Team Queries, double-click All Tasks.

  7. Right-click the new task you just created and then click Create Copy of Work Item.

  8. In the Copy Work Item dialog box, expand the list under Team project, and then select AdventureWorks Version 2.0.

  9. In the Work Item Type list, select Task, and then click OK.

  10. On the New Task <number> tab, in the Area list, select Kiosk.

  11. In the Iteration list, select the iteration M1 Prototype.

  12. In the Assigned to list, select the person responsible for the task.

  13. On the File menu, click Save New Task <number>.

  14. In Team Explorer, expand the AdventureWorks Version 2.0 node, expand the Work Items node, expand the Team Queries node, and double-click All Tasks.

  15. Scroll down the list of tasks to confirm the task copied from the AdventureWorks team project appears in the list.

  16. Repeat steps 7 through 14 to copy additional work items from the old team project to the new team project.


    As an option, you could use Microsoft Excel to bulk copy work items from one team project to another. Although the bulk copy would copy the current information in the work items, it would not copy the work item history, attachments, and links to the new team project. For more information about bulk copying work items using Microsoft Excel, see Working with Work Items in Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Project.

Copying Appropriate Documents to the New Team Project

There may be documents that were created and saved to the old team project portal that you want to continue to use in the new team project. To move these documents to the version 2.0 team project, you copy and paste the documents.

To copy documents to a new team project

  1. In Team Explorer, expand the AdventureWorks node, expand the Documents node, and then expand the Requirements node.

  2. Right-click Vision.doc, and then click Rename.

  3. In the text box type New Vision.doc and then press ENTER.

  4. Click New Vision.doc.

  5. On the Edit menu, click Copy.

  6. Expand the AdventureWorks Version 2.0 node, expand the Documents node, and then click the Requirements node.

  7. On the Edit menu, click Paste.

    The file New Vision.doc appears in the list of documents.

  8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 to copy additional documents from the old team project to the new team project.

Next Steps

Now that you have created version 2.0 of the team project, you and other team members can start working in the new team project. Consider following these additional steps:

See Also


Walkthrough: Joining a Team Project


Team Foundation Process Guidance

Other Resources

Team Project Walkthroughs