Options Page, Text Editor Node Properties
Following is a description of the pages (or properties collections) associated with the Text Editor category in the Options dialog box on the Tools menu. The title of each subsection is the call that is used to access its Properties collection. The table in each subsection lists the properties of the collection.
DTE.Properties("TextEditor", "General")
Property Item Name |
Value |
Description |
GoToAnchorAfterEscape |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
If True, pressing escape while there is a selection causes the insertion point to move to where the action that created the selection was initiated. False moves the insertion point to the other end of the selection. |
DragNDropTextEditing |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Determines whether you can drag a selected region of text from one location to another in the document for copy or cut/paste operations. |
HorizontalScrollBar |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Determines whether there is a horizontal scrollbar on editor windows. |
VerticalScrollBar |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Determines whether there is a vertical scroll bar on editor windows. |
SelectionMargin |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Determines whether there is space at the left of the text pane for special selection operations, drawing breakpoint icons, and so forth. |
MarginIndicatorBar |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Determines whether there is a vertical line dividing the left margin of the text pane from the main body of the text pane. |
UndoCaretActions |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
If True. undo operations include insertion point motion, selection commands, and so forth, in addition to editing actions that modify the buffer. |
AutoDelimiterHighlighting |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Determines whether typing a closing delimiter causes the editor to highlight the opening delimiter. The editor always bolds the open delimiter regardless of the value of this property. |
Plain Text
DTE.Properties("TextEditor", "PlainText")
The PlainText editor options affect the editor settings when text files are edited. Each programming language and Visual Studio package has its own specific Text Editor settings. For example, to view or change the Visual C# editor settings, use DTE.Properties("TextEditor", "CSharp"). For the SQL Script editor settings, use DTE.Properties("TextEditor", "SQL Script").
Property Item Name |
Value |
Description |
AutoListMembers |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Determines whether an available list of members automatically appears when a user types a period following a variable reference. |
AutoListParams |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Determines whether a description of an argument list automatically displays when the users types a "(" following a function name. |
HideAdvancedMembers |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Determines whether statement completion lists all members or only the commonly used ones. |
VirtualSpace |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Determines whether white space characters are displayed as graphics. Setting this to true causes the WordWrap property item (in this list) to be set to false. |
WordWrap |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Determines whether the view wraps long lines at word boundaries. Setting this to true causes the VirtualSpace property item (in this list) to be set to false. |
EnableLeftClickForURLs |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Determines whether the editor underlines URLs and enables a single left-click for jumping to the URL in the system registered Web browser. |
IndentStyle |
Get/Set (vsIndentStyle) |
Determines the indenting style. Settings are: vsIndentStyleNone, vsIndentStyleDefault (block style), or vsIndentStyleSmart. |
TabSize |
Get/Set (Long) |
Represents the number of spaces that equal a tab. Setting an integer outside the range 1 to 60 (inclusive) fails. |
InsertTabs |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
If True, TAB characters are used when indenting. |
IndentSize |
Get/Set (Long) |
Represents the number of spaces that equals one indent level. Setting an integer value outside the range 1 to 60 (inclusive) fails. |
ShowLineNumbers |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Determines whether the view of a core editor document displays line numbers along the left margin. |
ShowNavigationBar |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Determines whether the drop-down lists and buttons appear at the top of editor windows. |
C# | Formatting | General
DTE.Properties("TextEditor", "CSharp - General")
Represents the options on the Visual C# and Visual J# formatting page.
Property Item Name |
Value |
Description |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Automatically format completed block option. |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Automatically format completed statement option. |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Adjust indentation on paste option. |
C# | Formatting | Indentation
DTE.Properties("TextEditor", "CSharp - Formatting")
Represents the options on the Visual C# and Visual J# formatting | indentation page.
Property Item Name |
Value |
Description |
Indent_BlockContents |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Indent block contents option. |
Indent_CaseLabels |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Indent case labels option. |
Indent_CaseContents |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Indent case contents option. |
Indent_Braces |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Indent open and close braces option. |
Indent_UnindentLabels |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Label indentation options. |
C# | Formatting | New Lines
DTE.Properties("TextEditor", "CSharp - Formatting")
Represents the options on the Visual C# and Visual J# formatting | new lines page.
Property Item Name |
Value |
Description |
NewLines_Braces_Type |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Place open brace on new line for types option. |
NewLines_Braces_Method |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Place open brace on new line for methods option. |
NewLines_Braces_AnonymousMethod |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Place open brace on new line for anonymous methods option. |
NewLines_Braces_ControlFlow |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Place open brace on new line for control blocks option. |
NewLines_Keywords_Else |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Place "else" on new line option. |
NewLines_Keywords_Catch |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Place "catch" on new line option. |
NewLines_Keywords_Finally |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Place "finally" on new line option. |
C# | Formatting | Spacing
DTE.Properties("TextEditor", "CSharp - Formatting")
Represents the options on the Visual C# and Visual J# formatting | spacing page.
Property Item Name |
Value |
Description |
Space_AfterMethodDeclarationName |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for method declarations: Insert space between method name and its opening parenthesis option. |
Space_WithinMethodDeclarationParentheses |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for method declarations: Insert space within argument list parentheses option. |
Space_BetweenEmptyMethodDeclarationParentheses |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for method declarations: Insert space within empty argument list parentheses option. |
Space_AfterMethodCallName |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for method calls: Insert space between method name and its opening parenthesis option. |
Space_WithinMethodCallParentheses |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for method calls: Insert space within argument list parentheses option. |
Space_BetweenEmptyMethodCallParentheses |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for method calls: Insert space within empty argument list parentheses option. |
Space_InControlFlowConstruct |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for other: Insert space after control flow keywords option. |
Space_WithinExpressionParentheses |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for other: Insert space within parentheses of expression option. |
Space_WithinCastParentheses |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for other: Insert space within parentheses of type casts option. |
Space_WithinOtherParentheses |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for other: Insert space within flow control of construct parentheses option. |
Space_AfterCast |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for other: Ignore space after cast option. |
Space_BeforeOpenSquare |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for brackets: Insert space before open square bracket option. |
Space_BetweenEmptySquares |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for brackets: Insert space within empty square brackets option. |
Space_WithinSquares |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for brackets: Insert space within square brackets option. |
Space_AfterBasesColon |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for delimiters: Insert space after colon for base or interface in type declaration option. |
Space_BeforeSemiColonsInForStatement |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for delimiters: Insert space before semicolons in "for" statement option. |
Space_BeforeComma |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for delimiters: Insert space before comma option. |
Space_AfterComma |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for delimiters: Insert space after comma option. |
Space_BeforeBasesColon |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for delimiters: Insert space before colon for base or interface in type declaration option. |
Space_AfterDot |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for delimiters: Insert space after dot option. |
Space_AfterSemiColonsInForStatement |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for delimiters: Insert space after semicolons in "for" statement option. |
Space_BeforeDot |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for delimiters: Insert space before dot option. |
Space_AroundBinaryOperator |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for operators: Ignore spaces around binary operators option. |
Space_Normalize |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Set spacing for operators: Remove whitespace before and after binary operators option. |
C# | Formatting | Wrapping
DTE.Properties("TextEditor", "CSharp - Formatting")
Represents the options on the Visual C# and Visual J# formatting | wrapping page.
Property Item Name |
Value |
Description |
Wrapping_PreserveSingleLine |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Leave block on single line option. |
Wrapping_KeepStatementsOnSingleLine |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Leave statements and member declarations on the same line option. |
Wrapping_IgnoreSpacesAroundBinaryOperators |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
No UI equivalent. |
C# | Intellisense
DTE.Properties("TextEditor", "CSharp - Completion List")
Represents the options on the Visual C# and Visual J# Intellisense page.
Property Item Name |
Value |
Description |
AutoComment |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the XML Documentation Comments option. Can be accessed only via "CSharp - Editor" page string: DTE.Properties("TextEditor", "CSharp - Editor") |
BringUpOnIdentifier |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Show completion list option. |
ShowExpansions |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Place code snippets in completion lists option. |
ShowKeywords |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Place keywords in completion lists option. |
DisableMFU |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Intellisense Member Selection option. |
Squiggles |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Editor Help option. |
C# | Outlining
DTE.Properties("TextEditor", "CSharp - Editor")
Represents the options on the Visual C# and Visual J# outlining page.
Property Item Name |
Value |
Description |
CollapseInactiveBlocksOnOpen |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Collapse inactive blocks option. |
CollapseRegionBlocksOnOpen |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Collapse #region blocks option. |
EnterOutlingModeOnOpen |
Get/Set (Boolean) |
Represents the Enter outlining mode option. |
See Also
Determining the Names of Property Items in Options Pages