Dela via

Calling Conventions, Parameters, and Return Type

The helper routine's prototype is:

FARPROC WINAPI __delayLoadHelper2( 
   PCImgDelayDescr pidd,
   FARPROC * ppfnIATEntry


  • pidd
    A const pointer to a ImgDelayDescr (see delayimp.h) that contains the offsets of various import-related data, a timestamp for binding information, and a set of attributes that provide further information about the descriptor content. Currently there is only one attribute, dlattrRva, which indicates that the addresses in the descriptor are relative virtual addresses (as opposed to virtual addresses).

    See Structure and Constant Definitions for the definition of the PCImgDelayDescr structure.

  • ppfnIATEntry
    A pointer to the slot in the delay load import address table (IAT) to be updated with the address of the imported function. The helper routine needs to store the same value that it will be returning into this location.

Expected Return Values

If the function is successful, it returns the address of the imported function.

If the function fails, it raises an exception and returns 0. Three types of exceptions can be raised:

  • Invalid parameter, which happens if the attributes in pidd aren't specified correctly.

  • LoadLibrary failed on the specified DLL.

  • Failure of GetProcAddress.

It is your responsibility to handle these exceptions.


The calling convention for the helper function is __stdcall. The type of the return value is not relevant, so FARPROC is used. This function has C linkage.

The return value of the delay load helper needs to be stored in the passed-in function pointer location, unless you want your helper routine to be used as a notification hook. In that case, your code is responsible for finding the appropriate function pointer to return. The thunk code the linker generates then takes that return value as the real target of the import and jumps directly to it.


The following code shows how to implement a simple hook function.

FARPROC WINAPI delayHook(unsigned dliNotify, PDelayLoadInfo pdli)
    switch (dliNotify) {
        case dliStartProcessing :

            // If you want to return control to the helper, return 0.
            // Otherwise, return a pointer to a FARPROC helper function
            // that will be used instead, thereby bypassing the rest 
            // of the helper.


        case dliNotePreLoadLibrary :

            // If you want to return control to the helper, return 0.
            // Otherwise, return your own HMODULE to be used by the 
            // helper instead of having it call LoadLibrary itself.


        case dliNotePreGetProcAddress :

            // If you want to return control to the helper, return 0.
            // If you choose you may supply your own FARPROC function 
            // address and bypass the helper's call to GetProcAddress.


        case dliFailLoadLib : 

            // LoadLibrary failed.
            // If you don't want to handle this failure yourself, return 0.
            // In this case the helper will raise an exception 
            // (ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND) and exit.
            // If you want to handle the failure by loading an alternate 
            // DLL (for example), then return the HMODULE for 
            // the alternate DLL. The helper will continue execution with 
            // this alternate DLL and attempt to find the
            // requested entrypoint via GetProcAddress.


        case dliFailGetProc :

            // GetProcAddress failed.
            // If you don't want to handle this failure yourself, return 0.
            // In this case the helper will raise an exception 
            // (ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND) and exit.
            // If you choose you may handle the failure by returning 
            // an alternate FARPROC function address.


        case dliNoteEndProcessing : 

            // This notification is called after all processing is done. 
            // There is no opportunity for modifying the helper's behavior
            // at this point except by longjmp()/throw()/RaiseException. 
            // No return value is processed.


        default :

            return NULL;

    return NULL;

and then at global scope somewhere
PfnDliHook __pfnDliNotifyHook2 = delayHook;

See Also


Understanding the Helper Function