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A Web service could not be called

The information in this article applies to:

  • Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server

  • Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Foundation Server

  • SQL Server and SQL Server 2008

  • Application-tier server

  • Health check

The Best Practices Analyzer tool for Team Foundation Server performs several Web service calls as part of its health check for a deployment of Team Foundation Server. During this check, the tool attempts to retrieve the following: 

  1. Registration entries from Team Foundation Server:

    • The name of the server where the database instance for Team Foundation Server is installed.

    • The name of the database instance for Team Foundation Server.

    • The name of the application-tier server.

    If the tool cannot retrieve one or more of these entries, the tool cannot perform additional tasks, and one or more of the following error messages appears:

    • Data-tier server name retrieved is empty

    • Unable to obtain the data-tier server name

    • Unable to retrieve registered entries

    • Unable to test Web services

    For information about how to resolve these issues, see Troubleshoot Web Service Call Failures.

  2. Information obtained from invoking specific Web service operations:

    • A list of projects that are defined for SQL Server Reporting Services.

    • The version number of the Web service for SQL Server Reporting Services.

    • The language identifier of the SharePoint Services Administration Service (GetLanguages operation of the Admin service).

    • User information registered in SharePoint Products and Technologies (such as name, logon name, e-mail address) for the user who ran the scan (GetUserInfo operation of the UserGroup service).

    • The user ID of the person who ran the scan (CheckAuthentication operation of the ServerStatus service for the Team Foundation Server Services Web service).

    • The status of the Warehouse Web service (GetWarehouseStatus operation of the WarehouseController service).

    • Templates from the SharePoint Products and Technologies site. (GetTemplateNames operation of the ProcessTemplate service).

    • The server status of the VersionControl Web service (QueryServerInformation operation of the Admin service).

    • The version number of the WorkItemTracking Web service (GetWorkItemTrackingVersion operation of the ConfigurationSettingsService service).

    If the tool cannot retrieve any one of these pieces of information, a corresponding error message appears:

    • Reports Web service experienced a call failure

    • ReportServer Web service experienced a call failure

    • Windows SharePoint Central Administration Web service experienced a call failure

    • SharePoint Products and Technologies Web service failed to retrieve site template information

    • Team Foundation Server Web service experienced a call failure

    • Team Foundation Server Warehouse Web service experienced a call failure

    • Team Foundation Server Integration Web service failed to retrieve a custom template

    • Team Foundation Server VersionControl Web service experienced a call failure

    • Team Foundation Server WorkItemTracking Web service experienced a call failure

    To resolve these issues, see Troubleshoot Web Service Call Failures.

Troubleshoot Web Service Call Failures

When a call to retrieve registered entries from a Web service fails, one of several errors could cause the problem. To resolve these errors, you can perform the following set of troubleshooting tasks.

Required Permissions

To perform these procedures, you must be a member of the Administrators security group on the data-tier or application-tier server for Team Foundation.

To troubleshoot Web service call failures

  1. Resolve all other errors that the scan reported.

  2. Examine the text of the error message. If it indicates an HTTP status code error, resolve the error.

  3. Verify that all SQL Server services are running.

    1. On the data-tier server, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or Microsoft SQL Server 2008, point to Configuration Tools, and then click SQL Server Configuration Manager.

    2. Click SQL Server 2005 Services or SQL Server 2008 Services.

    3. Verify that each service appears next to a green arrow, which indicates that the service is running.

    4. If a service is stopped, right-click the service, and then click Start.

      For a list of services that must be running on the data-tier server, see A service is not running.

  4. On the application-tier server, verify that Web sites and virtual directories for Team Foundation are running under ASP.NET 2.0.

    For information about how to verify or change the ASP.NET version for a Web site or virtual directory, see An incorrect version of the .NET Framework is detected.

  5. Identify any login and SQL Server connection failures by restarting the TFS AppPool or Team Foundation Server Application Pool and noting any event errors logged in Event Viewer:

    1. To stop and restart an application pool, see An application pool is not configured correctly.

    2. Open Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Event Viewer.

      Event Viewer opens.

    3. Review the events logged to Application and System for any that are related to login and SQL Server connection failures. Resolve any errors that are logged in Event Viewer.

      For more information about how to correct login failures, see A service account is not configured correctly.

      For more information about how to work with service accounts, see "Managing and Resetting Service Accounts and Passwords" in the online documentation for Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server or the online documentation for Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Foundation Server on the Microsoft Web site.

  6. Reset Internet Information Services (IIS), and note event errors logged in Event Viewer:

    1. Open Start, click Run, type iisreset, and then click OK.

    2. Review the events logged in Event Viewer, and resolve any errors under Application or System.

  7. Verify that the TFS AppPool or Team Foundation Server Application Pool is running. For more information, see Verify That Application Pools are Running.

  8. Verify that the identity for the TFS AppPool or Team Foundation Server Application Pool is correctly set. For more information, see Verify that the Service Account for an Application Pool is Valid.

  9. Verify that URLs resolve. For more information, see Verify URL Resolution from the Local Server.

Verify That Application Pools are Running

If the Web services that correspond to an application pool will not run, you should verify that the application pools are started. The following table shows which Web services correspond to which application pools:

Application pool (Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server)

Application pool (Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Foundation Server)

Web service




You manage ReportServer in Internet Information Services ( IIS ) for SQL Server 2005 but not for SQL Server 2008.

Reports, ReportServer

TFS AppPool

Team Foundation Server Application Pool

Build, Integration services, VersionControl, Warehouse, WorkItemTracking



Web sites for Team Foundation 


SharePoint Central Administration v3

SharePoint Services Central Administration Web site

To verify whether an application pool is running or to restart an application pool that has been stopped, see An application pool is not configured correctly.

Verify That the Service Account for an Application Pool is Valid

If an application pool is not running, you might have a problem with the account that is set as the identity of the application pool. This problem is most often caused by an expired password.

During installation of Team Foundation Server, the identities of the application pools for Team Foundation are all set to run under the same service account for Team Foundation Server. This service account is the only member of the account group for Team Foundation Server. Also, this account is added as a SQL Server login and given access to all the databases for Team Foundation. These databases include those that SharePoint Products and Technologies uses. The identity that is set for the application pool is the account that accesses the databases.

For the service account of an application pool to be valid, the account that is assigned in Team Explorer must match the account that is assigned to the application pool identity. Also, the password for the account cannot be expired.

To verify or resolve a problem with the service account that is assigned to an application pool for Team Foundation Server

  1. Use the TFSAdminUtil Status command to display the status information about a specified service account on Team Foundation Server. 

    1. At a command prompt on the application-tier server, locate the TFSAdminUtil utility.

      By default, it is located in Drive:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server\Tools or Drive:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server\Tools.


      Even if you are logged on with administrative credentials, you must open an elevated Command Prompt to perform this function on a server that is running Windows Server 2008. To open an elevated Command Prompt, click Start, right-click Command Prompt, and click Run as administrator. For more information, see the Microsoft Web site.

    2. At a command prompt, type TFSAdminUtil Status Account, and then press ENTER. Account is the name of the service account in Domain\User format (for example, MyLocation\Tfssvc).  

      The command returns information about how the service account is used and the status of the application pools and Windows services that are running under the account.

  2. Verify that the service account that is assigned to an application pool is valid and that its password has not expired.

    1. From the report generated by the health check, access the tree reports.

    2. Expand the following nodes:

      Team Foundation Server Health Check

      Team Foundation Server -ServerName

      Application Tier Server -ServerName

      Account Information

      Service Accounts


    3. Expand Password Information for Domain\ServiceAccount**.**

    4. Verify that Expired is set to False. If it is set to True, reset the password for the service account by using the TFSAdmin Util ChangePassword command. At a command prompt, type the following string, and then press ENTER.

      TFSAdminUtil ChangePassword Account NewPwd

      For more information about how to work with service accounts, see "Managing and Resetting Service Accounts and Passwords" in the online documentation for Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server or the online documentation for Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Foundation Server on the Microsoft Web site.

  3. Determine the identity that is assigned to the application pools for Team Foundation Server by using Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. For information about how to determine the identity, see An application pool is not configured correctly.

  4. If the service account that you determined in step 1 does not match the identity that is assigned to an application pool in step 3, correct the mismatch by using the TFSAdminUtil ChangeAccount command. At a command prompt, type the following string, and then press ENTER.

    TFSAdminUtil ChangeAccount OldAccount NewAccount NewPwd


    Before you reassign the new account, it must have the Log on as a service permission for the application-tier server set to Allow. For more information, see A service account is not configured correctly.

Verify URL Resolution from the Local Server

The default Web site on the server that hosts SharePoint Products and Technologies is the home page for the Team Site for Team Foundation.


To access Report Manager, reports, or Web sites for SQL Server Reporting Services on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista, you might need to add these sites to the list of trusted sites in Internet Explorer or start Internet Explorer as an administrator.

To verify that the localhost and computer name can be resolved

  1. On the server where SharePoint Products and Technologies is installed, open Internet Explorer.

  2. Type https://localhost, and then press ENTER.

    The home page for Team Site should appear.

  3. Type http://ComputerName, and then press ENTER.

    The home page for Team Site should appear.

To verify the URL for SharePoint Products and Technologies is correct

  1. In Visual Studio, open Team Explorer, and connect to the application-tier server.

  2. Expand a project.

  3. Right-click the Documents node, and then click Properties.

  4. Copy the URL listed, and paste it into Internet Explorer. Verify that the URL resolves as expected.

See Also


SharePoint Products and Technologies is not configured correctly

A service is not running

A service is running under an incorrect startup account

An application pool is not configured correctly

SharePoint Products and Technologies is not configured correctly


The Web site for Team Foundation Server has been extended

Other Resources

Web Service Configuration Issues