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Using the XML Schema Explorer

The XML Schema Explorer provides a hierarchal view of the schema set through a treeview. The XML Schema Explorer also provides search, filtering, navigation, and sorting. To access the XML Schema Explorer, select XML Schema Explorer from the View menu.

Search Feature

The XML Schema Explorer enables you to search the schema set by using one of the built-in searches or by specifying a keyword. For more information, see Search the Schema Set.

Filter and Sort Feature

The XML Schema Explorer includes filter and sort options, which are available on the XML Schema Explorer toolbar.

The following filter options are available on the toolbar. By default, Show Namespaces and Show Schema Files options are selected.

  • Show Namespaces

  • Show Schema Files

  • Show Compositors (sequence/choice/all)

The following sorting options are available on the toolbar. The default is Sort By Type.

  • Sort By Type

  • Sort by Name

  • Document Order

Sort By Type

When the Sort By Type option is selected, global nodes are sorted in the following order. Nodes are then sorted alphabetically within each group.

  1. import nodes

  2. include nodes

  3. redefine nodes

  4. attribute nodes

  5. attributeGroup nodes

  6. complexType nodes

  7. simpleType nodes

  8. element nodes

  9. group nodes

Sort By Name

When the Sort By Name option is selected, global nodes are sorted in the following order:

  1. import nodes (in alphabetical order of namespaces)

  2. include nodes (in alphabetical order of schemaLocation attributes)

  3. redefine nodes (in alphabetical order of schemaLocation attributes)

  4. Other global nodes in alphabetical order

Document Order

The Document Order option is available when the Show Schema Files option is selected. When Document Order is selected, global nodes are displayed in the order in which they appear in the schema file.

Generate Sample XML

The Generate Sample XML feature generates a sample XML file that is validated by the schema in the XML Schema Explorer.

If you right-click on a global element in the XML Schema Explorer, one of the options will be Generate Sample XML.

You can use this option for the following scenarios:

  • To understand the use of various constructs in a given schema.

  • To confirm that the schema does what it is intended to do.

The Generate Sample XML feature is only available on global elements, and requires a valid XML schema set.

This feature typically generates valid XML documents. However, if the schema contains one or more of the following, the sample might not be valid:

  • The following identity constraints: xs:key, xs:keyref, xs:unique.

  • xs:pattern facets.

  • Enumerations of the xs:QName type.

  • xs:ENTITY, xs:ENTITIES, and xs:NOTATION types.

Also, note that xs:base64Binary content will be generated only if enumerations occur in the schema for that type.

See Also

Other Resources

XML Schema Explorer