ICodeCoverageSummary Members
Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members
This interface is a helper interface for IBuildInformationNode of type "CodeCoverageSummary". Use the InformationNodeConverters class to obtain an ICodeCoverageSummary.
The ICodeCoverageSummary type exposes the following members.
Saves the code coverage summary to the server.
Gets or sets the number of blocks covered by the code coverage run.
Gets or sets the number of blocks not covered by the code coverage run.
Gets the ID of the code coverage summary's underlying IBuildInformationNode.
Gets or sets a boolean that indicates whether the code coverage run is currently processing.
Gets or sets the number of lines covered by the code coverage run.
Gets or sets the number of lines not covered by the code coverage run.
Gets or sets the number of lines partially covered by the code coverage run.
Gets or sets the name of the code coverage run.
Gets or sets the ID of the code coverage run.
Gets or sets the name of the user who initiated the code coverage run.