regex_replace Function
Replaces matched regular expressions.
template<class OutIt, class BidIt, class RXtraits, class Alloc, class Elem>
OutIt regex_replace(OutIt out,
BidIt first, BidIt last,
const basic_regex<Elem, RXtraits, Alloc>& re,
const basic_string<Elem>& fmt,
match_flag_type flags = match_default);
template<class RXtraits, class Alloc, class Elem>
basic_string<Elem> regex_replace(const basic_string<Elem>& str,
const basic_regex<Elem, RXtraits, Alloc>& re,
const basic_string<Elem>& fmt,
match_flag_type flags = match_default);
The iterator type for replacements.BidIt
The iterator type for submatches.RXtraits
Traits class for elements.Alloc
The regular expression allocator class.Elem
The type of elements to match.flags
Flags for matches.first
Beginning of sequence to match.fmt
The format for replacements.last
End of sequence to match.out
The output
The regular expression to match.str
String to match.
The first function constructs a regex_iterator Class object iter(first, last, re, flags) and uses it to split its input range [first, last) into a series of subsequences T0M0T1M1...TN-1MN-1TN, where Mn is the nth match detected by the iterator. If no matches are found, T0 is the entire input range and N is zero. If (flags & format_first_only) != 0 only the first match is used, T1 is all of the input text that follows the match, and N is 1. For each i in the range [0, N), if (flags & format_no_copy) == 0 it copies the text in the range Ti to the iterator out. It then calls m.format(out, fmt, flags), where m is the match_results object returned by the iterator object iter for the subsequence Mi. Finally, if (flags & format_no_copy) == 0 it copies the text in the range TN to the iterator out. The function returns out.
The second function constructs a local variable result of type basic_string<charT> and calls regex_replace(back_inserter(result), str.begin(), str.end(), re, fmt, flags). It returns result.
// std_tr1__regex__regex_replace.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <regex>
#include <iostream>
int main()
char buf[20];
const char *first = "axayaz";
const char *last = first + strlen(first);
std::tr1::regex rx("a");
std::string fmt("A");
std::tr1::regex_constants::match_flag_type fonly =
*std::tr1::regex_replace(&buf[0], first, last, rx, fmt) = '\0';
std::cout << "replacement == " << &buf[0] << std::endl;
*std::tr1::regex_replace(&buf[0], first, last, rx, fmt, fonly) = '\0';
std::cout << "replacement == " << &buf[0] << std::endl;
std::string str("adaeaf");
std::cout << "replacement == "
<< std::tr1::regex_replace(str, rx, fmt) << std::endl;
std::cout << "replacement == "
<< std::tr1::regex_replace(str, rx, fmt, fonly) << std::endl;
return (0);
replacement == AxAyAz replacement == Axayaz replacement == AdAeAf replacement == Adaeaf
Header: <regex>
Namespace: std::tr1