WPF Application Deployment
After Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications are built, they need to be deployed. Windows and the .NET Framework include several deployment technologies, including:
XCopy deployment.
Microsoft Windows Installer.
ClickOnce deployment.
Windows Remote Desktop Connection (RDC).
The deployment technology that is used to deploy a WPF application depends on the application type. In WPF, there are three application types:
Standalone applications.
XAML browser applications (XBAPs).
Browser-hosted Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) pages.
For an overview of each deployment technology, and how they are used in conjunction with the deployment requirements of each WPF application type, see Deploying a WPF Application (WPF).
For more information about XCopy, see How to: Deploy using XCopy.
For more information about Windows Installer, see Windows Installer Deployment.
For more information about ClickOnce, see ClickOnce Deployment.
See Also
How to: Publish a ClickOnce Application
Other Resources
Building and Deploying Windows Presentation Foundation Applications