Compiler Error CS0315
The type 'valueType' cannot be used as type parameter 'T' in the generic type or method 'TypeorMethod<T>'. There is no boxing conversion from 'valueType' to 'referenceType'.
This error occurs when you constrain a generic type to a particular class, and try to construct an instance of that class by using a value type that cannot be implicitly boxed to it.
To correct this error
- One solution is to redefine the struct as a class.
The following example generates CS0315:
// cs0315.cs
public class ClassConstraint { }
public struct ViolateClassConstraint { }
public class Gen<T> where T : ClassConstraint
public class Test
public static int Main()
Gen<ViolateClassConstraint> g = new Gen<ViolateClassConstraint>(); //CS0315
return 1;