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Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications Namespace

The Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications namespace contains adapters and utility classes that enable the host application and the add-in to communicate across AppDomain and process boundaries.

The majority of Visual Studio Tools for Applications adapters implement Visual Studio Tools for Applications contracts. Visual Studio Tools for Applications uses these adapters to initialize add-ins, manage host items, host objects, and host types, manage host services, and convert objects and type abstractions across AppDomain and process boundaries.


  Class Description
Public class AdapterResolveEventArgs Infrastructure. Provides data for the AdapterResolve event.
Public class AddInAdapter Infrastructure. Communicates with a host adapter by using contracts.
Public class AddInStoreExtensions Provides extension methods for the AddInStore class.
Public class AddInTokenExtensions Adds extension methods to the AddInToken class.
Public class AppInfoDocumentAddInAdapter Infrastructure.
Public class AppInfoDocumentHostAdapter Infrastructure.
Public class ArrayContractAdapter<TContract> Infrastructure. Represents an array of IContract objects.
Public class ContractAdapterBase Infrastructure. Serves as a base class for adapters.
Public class ContractLock Infrastructure. Obsolete. Manages the lifetime of an IContract.
Public class ContractLock<T> Infrastructure. Controls the lifetime of a pipeline component that represents an IContract implementation.
Public class ContractNotSupportedException Infrastructure. The exception that is thrown when an object does not support a required contract.
Public class ContractProxyBase<T> Infrastructure. Serves as a base class for contract proxy objects.
Public class CustomAttributeProviderAdapter Infrastructure. Represents a custom attribute provider adapter.
Public class DynamicProxy Infrastructure. Contains methods that create a Visual Studio Tools for Applications-specific implementation of the proxy that represents a specified IContract or COM object.
Public class EntryPointHostAdapter Infrastructure. Represents the host side of the pipeline that enables initial discovery and invocation of the add-in.
Public class EnumeratorContractAdapter<TContract> Infrastructure. Represents a contract that represents an enumerator that enumerates contracts.
Public class HostItemProviderAdapter Infrastructure. Provides methods for managing objects on the host.
Public class HostServiceProviderAdapter Infrastructure. Provides methods for managing services on the adapter that represents the service provider on the host side.
Public class HostTypeProviderAdapter Infrastructure. Represents the host side of the pipeline that interacts with the host type provider.
Public class InteropAdapter Infrastructure. Represents an adapter that wraps and exposes COM objects to the managed add-in infrastructure, and supplies managed objects to COM.
Public class InteropProxy Infrastructure. Provides methods for creating proxies for COM objects or for contracts that represent COM objects.
Public class ListContractAdapter<TContract> Infrastructure. Represents an IListContract<C> object.
Public class ProxyResolveEventArgs Infrastructure. Provides data for the ProxyResolve and ProxyUnresolved events.
Public class RegistrationMethodAttribute Infrastructure. Identifies the proxy registration method in a proxy assembly.
Public class RemoteArgumentArrayContractAdapter Infrastructure. Represents an array of RemoteArgument objects that can be passed between contracts.
Public class RemoteArgumentArrayListContractAdapter Infrastructure. Represents a list of RemoteArgument objects that can be passed between contracts.
Public class RemoteArgumentDictionaryContractAdapter Infrastructure. Represents a collection of RemoteArgument objects that are stored as key/value pairs.
Public class RemoteDelegateAdapter Infrastructure. Allows delegates to be invoked across application domain and process boundaries through an IRemoteDelegateContract interface.
Public class RemoteObject Infrastructure. Obsolete. Provides a proxy object for an instance of IRemoteObjectContract that can be accessed across application domain and process boundaries.
Public class RemoteObjectAdapter Infrastructure. Implements the contracts that represent remote objects across a versioning boundary.
Public class RemoteTypeAdapter Infrastructure. Represents a type that can be reflected across application domain or process boundaries.
Public class SerializableObjectAdapter Infrastructure. Represents the serialized state of a serializable remote object.
Public class SerializableObjectContractFormatter Infrastructure. Provides methods to serialize an object and to deserialize a tree of remote arguments.
Public class ServiceProviderContractAdapter Infrastructure. Represents a service provider adapter.
Public class TypeInfrastructureManager Infrastructure. Contains the type maps for a set of adapters that are associated with a specific service provider.
Public class TypeServices Infrastructure. Provides utility methods that perform tasks related to proxy and adapter types.
Public class UnsafeSerializationException Infrastructure. The exception that is thrown when Visual Studio Tools for Applications tries to serialize an object that is not serializable.


  Structure Description
Public structure SegmentConstraints Specifies constraints on a pipeline segment.


  Interface Description
Public interface IAdapter Infrastructure. Defines a property that gets the object that is reflected by an adapter.
Public interface IExtendedMultipleEntryPoint Extends IMultipleEntryPoint to enable the host application to specify and invoke multiple entry points in the add-in.
Public interface IMultipleEntryPoint Represents a view that can be used to specify multiple entry points in an add-in.
Public interface IProxy Infrastructure. Defines a property that gets an IContract implementation.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ExtensionPipelineStoreLocation Specifies alternative locations for a pipeline store instead of a path of a directory.