Using Resources
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) resources provide a simple way to reuse commonly defined objects and values.
In This Section
How to: Embed an Icon in an Assembly
Describes how to integrate resources, such as icons, into your WPF application by using the WPF Designer.How to: Retrieve Resources in Code
Describes how to retrieve resources by using FrameworkElement methods and properties.Walkthrough: Managing Resources in Your WPF Project
Describes how to add, use, and navigate resources in your WPF project.Walkthrough: Creating a Custom Toolbox Icon for a Control
Describes how to create a Toolbox icon for a WPF custom control.Toolbox Icons and Embedded Resources
Describes how to specify a custom Toolbox icon for your WPF controls by using embedded resources.
Searches for a resource with the specified key, and raises an exception if the requested resource is not found.Resources
Gets or sets the locally-defined resource dictionary.
Related Sections
Resources (WPF)
Contains links to topics that describe how to use resources as a simple way to reuse commonly defined objects and values.Resources Samples (WPF)
Contains links to topics that provide sample code for working with resources.XAML
Describes how to use XAML markup to define your WPF controls and applications.