AdoDotNetConnectionSupport Members
Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members
Provides an implementation of the IVsDataConnectionSupport interface, and an indirect implementation of the IVsDataCommand, IVsDataAsyncCommand, and IVsDataTransaction interfaces, by using appropriate ADO.NET objects.
The AdoDotNetConnectionSupport type exposes the following members.
Initializes an instance of the AdoDotNetConnectionSupport class.
Overloaded. Adds the specified service to the internal collection of services.
Initiates a transaction.
Closes the current data connection. (Overrides DataConnectionSupport.Close().)
Commits a transaction.
Creates a new data parameter with interface IVsDataProvider.
Creates a new data parameter with interface IVsDataProvider, using a copy of the specified data parameter.
Creates a new service object based on the specified interface service type. (Overrides DataConnectionSupport.CreateService(IServiceContainer, Type).)
Derives parameters that can be specified for a given command.
Override to derive parameters from the given command.
Derives the schema returned from a specified command, indicating the layout of items and blocks in a given data reader.
Overloaded. Releases all resources held by the data connection.
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Executes a specified command, optionally with parameters, and returns results as an IVsDataReader object.
Executes a specified command, optionally with parameters. Does not return any query results.
Releases all resources held by the data connection when the data connection support object is destroyed. (Inherited from DataConnectionSupport.)
Constructs a DbCommand object from the given command string.
Converts an enumeration value from DataCommandType to its corresponding value in the CommandType enumeration.
Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.)
Overloaded. Retrieves a service.
Gets the type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
Initializes the specified ADO.NET connection, using a specified provider. (Overrides DataConnectionSupport.Initialize(Object).)
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Handles the MessageReceived event. (Inherited from DataConnectionSupport.)
Raises the SiteChanged event. (Inherited from DataSiteableServiceProvider<T>.)
Handles the StateChanged event. (Inherited from DataConnectionSupport.)
Opens the specified data connection. (Overrides DataConnectionSupport.Open(Boolean).)
Prepares the specified command on the data source to be executed; the command can be executed multiple times, with varying parameters.
Overloaded. Removes the specified service.
Rolls back, or voids, a transaction and returns the new current transaction level.
Adds new parameters to the given DbCommand command from the specified array of IVsDataParameter parameters.
Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Gets the DbConnection object being used by the current connection support instance.
Gets or sets a string representation of information required to establish a specified data source connection. (Overrides DataConnectionSupport.ConnectionString.)
Gets or sets the amount of time, in seconds, to wait to establish a connection before terminating the attempt and generating a time-out error. (Overrides DataConnectionSupport.ConnectionTimeout.)
Gets the DbCommand object currently being used by the current connection support instance.
Gets the DbTransaction object currently being used by the current connection support instance.
Gets a value indicating whether the connection is in an asynchronous mode.
Gets the current instance of the parent service provider. (Inherited from ServiceProvider.)
Gets the underlying provider object for the specified connection. (Overrides DataConnectionSupport.ProviderObject.)
Gets the global Visual Studio service provider. (Inherited from DataConnectionSupport.)
Gets or sets the site. (Inherited from DataSiteableServiceProvider<T>.)
Gets the state of the data connection. (Overrides DataConnectionSupport.State.)
Occurs when a message is received from the data source. (Inherited from DataConnectionSupport.)
Occurs when the site has changed. (Inherited from DataSiteableServiceProvider<T>.)
Occurs when the state of the data connection has changed. (Inherited from DataConnectionSupport.)
Explicit Interface Implementations
Performs as a factory for services that are exposed through an implementation of IServiceProvider. (Inherited from ServiceProvider.)