Indicates if a color used in conjunction with the Visual Studio Font and Color service is a foreground or background color.
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.8.0 (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.8.0.dll)
Public Enumeration __VSCOLORASPECT
Dim instance As __VSCOLORASPECT
public enum __VSCOLORASPECT
public enum class __VSCOLORASPECT
public enum __VSCOLORASPECT
Member name | Description | |
CA_FOREGROUND | Indicates that a color value represents a foreground color. | |
CA_BACKGROUND | Indicates that a color value represents a background color. |
This structure is used in the IVsFontAndColorUtilities interface: it is passed in to the EncodeTrackedItem method and it is returned from the GetTrackedItemIndex method.