Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members
Column definitions for tasks.
The VSTASKCOLUMN type exposes the following members.
Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. (Inherited from ValueType.)
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.)
Returns the hash code for this instance. (Inherited from ValueType.)
Gets the type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance. (Inherited from ValueType.)
String containing the non-localized name of the column header. It must be unique within this provider's column list.
String containing the text in header. bstrHeading may be nulla null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) to indicate an image.
String containing the localized name for the column header.
String containing the tooltip for the column header.
The default column width in pixels.
The minimum column width in pixels.
Flag indicating whether the user is allowed to change the column's visibility.
Flag indicating whether the user is allowed to sort by clicking on the column's header.
Flag indicating the column is sorted in descending order (default is ascending).
Flag indicating whether the task list is allowed to resize the column automatically to make content fit better.
Column will be automatically resized to fit whenever its content changes.
Flag indicating whether the column may be dragged to another position by the user.
Flag indicating whether a sort arrow is shown in the header when the list is sorted by this column.
Flag indicating whether the column may be resized by the user.
Flag indicating whether this column is visible by default.
Specifies if a column is sorted by default.
The field index designated by the task provider.
Index into the provider's image list.