IVsPreviewChangesList Members
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Represents a list of items in the changes tree of the Preview Changes tool window.
The IVsPreviewChangesList type exposes the following members.
Returns display data for the specified item.
Determines if the specified item can be expanded.
Returns the child list of the specified item that has been expanded in the tree view.
Returns a set of flags the describes the preview list.
Returns the number of items in the preview list.
Returns a list of changes made to the items in the preview list.
Returns the specified text for the specified item in the preview list.
Returns the ToolTip text for the specified item in the preview list.
Given a child list, locate its parent item in the preview list.
Called when this preview list is closed (unexpanded).
Loads the source for the specified preview item and displays it in the given text view.
Toggles the checked state of the specified item in the preview list.
Updates the current change counter and returns whether any changes have been made to the preview list and if so, what kind of changes.