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How to: Open a Tool Window Programmatically (C#)

Tool windows are typically opened from a command on a menu, or an equivalent keyboard shortcut. At times, however, you might need to open a tool window programmatically, like the command handler does.

Use FindToolWindow to open a tool window in the managed VSPackage that provides it. To open a tool window in another VSPackage, use FindToolWindow. In either case, the tool window is created as needed.

The code in the following procedure is taken from the C# Reference.ToolWindow sample.

To open a tool window programmatically

  1. Create the tool window pane, frame, and the VSPackage that implements them. For more information, see How to: Create a Tool Window (C#).

  2. Register the tool window with Visual Studio by adding the ProvideToolWindowAttribute to the VSPackage that provides it.

    [MsVsShell.ProvideToolWindow(typeof(PersistedWindowPane), Style = MsVsShell.VsDockStyle.Tabbed, Window = "3ae79031-e1bc-11d0-8f78-00a0c9110057")]
    [MsVsShell.ProvideMenuResource(1000, 1)]
    [MsVsShell.PackageRegistration(UseManagedResourcesOnly = true)]
    public class PackageToolWindow : MsVsShell.Package

    This registers the tool window PersistedWindowPane to be opened docked to the Solution Explorer. For more information, see How to: Register a Tool Window (C#).

  3. Use FindToolWindow to find the tool window pane or to create it if it does not already exist.

    // Get the 1 (index 0) and only instance of our tool window.
    // If it does not already exist it will get created.
    MsVsShell.ToolWindowPane pane =     this.FindToolWindow(typeof(PersistedWindowPane), 0, true);
    if (pane == null)
  4. Get the tool window frame from the tool window pane.

    IVsWindowFrame frame = pane.Frame as IVsWindowFrame;
    if (frame == null)
  5. Show the tool window.

    // Bring the tool window to the front and give it focus

See Also


VSPackage Essentials