DataConnectionDialog Members
Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members
Provides access to the Data Connection dialog box with which to obtain data connection information from users.
The DataConnectionDialog type exposes the following members.
Class constructor.
Adds all registered data sources for display on the Data Source dialog box.
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the DataConnectionDialog object is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Overrides Object.Finalize().)
Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.)
Gets the type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
Configures the Data Connection dialog box with the specified existing DDEX provider and connection string, deriving the correct data source where possible.
Loads information about which DDEX provider is selected by default for each data source.
Loads information about which data source is currently selected.
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Raises the VerifySettings event.
Saves information about which DDEX provider is selected by default for each data source.
Saves information about which data source is currently selected.
Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Represents an unspecified data source.
Retrieves or sets the text displayed on the button the user clicks to accept the contents of the Data Connection dialog box, then returns from the ShowDialog method.
Retrieves a collection of unique identifiers for DDEX providers that are currently available for selection in the Data Connection dialog box.
A collection of GUIDs representing DDEX data sources that should be available for display in the Data Connection dialog box.
Retrieves or sets a summary description appearing on the Data Source dialog box header when the user clicks on the Change... button.
Retrieves or sets the title of the Data Source dialog box, which can be shown when the user clicks the Change… button.
Retrieves or sets text that shows on the Data Source dialog box Accept button when it appears before the Data Connection dialog box.
Retrieves or sets text of the description that appears on the header of the Data Source dialog box when it appears before the Data Connection dialog box.
Retrieves or sets the title of the Data Source dialog box when it appears before the Data Connection dialog box.
Retrieves or sets unencrypted connection information for display on the Data Connection dialog box for the specified data provider.
Retrieves or sets encrypted connection information for the dialog box for the specified data provider.
Retrieves or sets a summary description that appears at the head of the Data Connection dialog box.
Retrieves or sets a value indicating whether the caller of the dialog box should persist the currently selected data source and DDEX provider combination.
Retrieves or sets the data provider currently selected in the connection dialog box, using the data provider's GUID.
Retrieves or sets a GUID value indicating the current selected data source.
Retrieves or sets the string representing text shown on the connection dialog box title bar.
The event raised when a user attempts to accept the connection settings in the Data Connection dialog box.