VsShellUtilities Members
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Provides static helper methods to use with the Visual Studio shell.
The VsShellUtilities type exposes the following members.
Empties the task list.
Gets the current debug mode of the shell, for example, design mode, running mode, or break mode.
Gets the hierarchy node that is specified by the project GUID.
Overloaded. Gets the miscellaneous project from the current solution.
Gets the output window pane that is specified by the GUID.
Returns a project for the specified document.
Gets an IVsPersistDocData interface and a document cookie from the running document table for the specified document.
Gets the text of the specified file, if it exists in the running document table.
Gets a list of tasks.
Gets the text view in the specified window frame.
Gets a window for the given GUID.
Gets the window that exists in the specified window frame.
Determines whether the specified document is open.
Determines whether the extensibility object is currently executing an automation operation.
Determines whether the build manager is busy.
Determines whether Visual Studio is in design mode (as opposed to run mode or debug mode).
Starts the debugger.
Opens the specified miscellaneous file in the specified editor.
Overloaded. Opens the specified document.
Overloaded. Opens a document by using the specified editor.
Displays a message box that contains the specified title and prompts the user to respond (yes or no) to the specified message.
Renames the specified document.
Overloaded. Saves the specified file if it is dirty.
Displays a message box with the specified message.