This interface is used by program nodes to specify all the possible debug engines (DE) that can debug this program.
IDebugProgramEngines2 : IUnknown
Notes for Implementers
A DE or a custom port supplier implements this interface on the same object that implements IDebugProgramNode2 to support establishing a specific DE to use for a particular program.
Notes for Callers
Call QueryInterface on an IDebugProgramNode2 interface to obtain this interface.
Methods in Vtable Order
The following table shows the methods of IDebugProgramEngines2.
Method |
Description |
Indicates all the possible DEs that can debug this program. |
Selects the DE to use for debugging this program. |
Once a DE is chosen by the user, that choice is registered with the program node by calling IDebugProgramEngines2::SetEngine. The selected engine becomes the engine returned by IDebugProgramNode2::GetEngineInfo.
Header: msdbg.h
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.dll