This interface is used by the debug engine (DE) to send debug events to the session debug manager (SDM).
IDebugEventCallback2 : IUnknown
Notes for Implementers
Visual Studio implements this interface to receive events from a debug engine.
Notes for Callers
A debug engine typically receives this interface when the SDM calls IDebugProgram2::Attach, IDebugEngine2::Attach, or IDebugEngineLaunch2::LaunchSuspended. A debug engine sends events to the SDM by calling IDebugEventCallback2::Event.
Methods in Vtable Order
The following table shows the methods of IDebugEventCallback2.
Method |
Description |
Sends notification of debugging events to the SDM. |
Although IDebugExpression2::EvaluateSync and IDebugExpression2::EvaluateAsync specify that they take an IDebugEventCallback2 interface, this is not the case, and the interface pointer will always be a null value. Instead, the debug engine must use the IDebugEventCallback2 interface received in the call to IDebugProgram2::Attach, IDebugEngine2::Attach, or IDebugEngineLaunch2::LaunchSuspended.
If a package implements IDebugEventCallback in managed code, it is strongly advised that ReleaseComObject be invoked on the various interfaces passed to IDebugEventCallback2::Event.
Header: msdbg.h
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.dll