ExpansionProvider Members
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Include Inherited Members
Provides support for inserting code snippets into source code.
The ExpansionProvider type exposes the following members.
Initializes a new instance of the ExpansionProvider class.
Inserts the previously prepared code snippet and starts the snippet editing mode.
Displays a list of expansion templates of the specified type and kind.
Cleans up allocated resource just before the ExpansionProvider object is destroyed.
Called when an expansion session has ended.
Ends the current snippet editing mode.
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Cleans up all resources just before the ExpansionProvider object is destroyed. (Overrides Object.Finalize().)
Obtains the path and title of a code snippet given the snippet's shortcut name.
Formats the specified text span.
Overloaded. Returns an ExpansionFunction object based on the contents of a particular node in the XML template file for the snippet.
Returns the span occupied by the snippet currently being edited.
Gets the field span of the specified field
Returns the value of the specified field.
Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.)
Gets the type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
Called after a command has been executed.
Called before a command is executed.
Determines if the specified command is handled by the ExpansionProvider class.
Inserts the specified snippet into the source at the given position.
Inserts the specific snippet into the source at the specified position.
Determines whether this is valid text for expansion. This method should be overridden if you want to specify where in the source document the expansion can take place.
Determines whether or not a given type is valid for expansion purposes. This method should be overridden if you want to specify where in the source document the expansion can take place.
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Called after a snippet has been inserted into the source.
Called just before the snippet has been inserted into the source.
Called when an item is chosen in a snippet browser.
Puts the caret in a position suitable for editing.
Prepares for insertion of the specified snippet.
Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Returns the IVsExpansion object used for inserting snippets into a buffer.
Returns the expansion session created to manage editing the code snippet.
Indicates whether the code snippet is currently being edited.
Returns the Source object associated with this expansion provider.
Returns the text view containing the source file being manipulated by the expansion provider.