.gif) |
AcceptMergeNamespaceConflictRequiresDestinationException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
AcceptMergeVersionConflictRequiresDestinationException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
AcceptYoursRenameTheirsRequiresDestinationException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
AccessEntry |
Publicly facing description of an Access Control List permission entry. |
.gif) |
AffectedTeamProjects |
This class is used in the check-in policy framework. |
.gif) |
AffectedTeamProjectsEventArgs |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ArtifactNotFoundException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
AuthorizationException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
BranchHistoryTreeItem |
The branch history tree item node type that represents an individual node in a branch topology tree. |
.gif) |
BranchRelative |
Class which represents a row from a QueryBranches object. |
.gif) |
BranchSourceNotCommittedException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CancelException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CannotChangeRootFolderException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CannotChangeWorkspaceOwnerException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CannotCheckinPartialUndeleteException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CannotCreateFilesInRootException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CannotCreateParentFolderException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CannotDeleteTeamProjectFolderException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CannotLockException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CannotMergeUnderSourceException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CannotMergeWithWorkspaceSpecAndPendingDeleteException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CannotMoveToRootException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CannotPendUndeleteTwiceException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CannotRenameBackToOriginalSourceException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CannotResolveDeletedItemWithAcceptMergeException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CannotResolveToPartialUndeleteException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CannotSetMappingOnRenameException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CannotUndeleteTeamProjectFolderException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CannotUndoItemExistingLockConflictsException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CannotUnlockException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
Change |
A class to manage change objects. |
.gif) |
ChangeAlreadyPendingException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
Changeset |
Represents a changeset |
.gif) |
ChangesetAuthorMustBeNonGroupException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ChangesetMerge |
Represents a merge of one Changeset into another Changeset. |
.gif) |
ChangesetNotFoundException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ChangesetVersionSpec |
.gif) |
CheckinConflict |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CheckinEvaluationResult |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CheckinException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CheckinNote |
This class represents the checkin notes that are part of a Changeset. |
.gif) |
CheckinNoteFailure |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CheckinNoteFieldDefinition |
A field definition is used to define how a given named input is treated when it is applied to a given checkin note. |
.gif) |
CheckinNoteFieldValue |
The CheckinNoteFieldValue is holds a field and its value in a single checkin note. A checkin note uses a series of field values to represent its data. |
.gif) |
CheckoutLockRequiredException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
CommitCheckinEventArgs |
Event arguments for committing checkins. |
.gif) |
CommitShelvesetEventArgs |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
Conflict |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ConflictEventArgs |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ContentRequiredException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
DateVersionSpec |
Represents a version specification format for date values. |
.gif) |
DateVersionSpecBeforeBeginningOfRepositoryException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
DeletedShelvesetEventArgs |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
DeltaException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
Difference |
Utility class to provide an easy mechanism for performing a difference on two files. |
.gif) |
DiffItemLocalFile |
.gif) |
DiffItemPendingChangeBase |
.gif) |
DiffItemShelvedChange |
.gif) |
DiffItemVersionedFile |
.gif) |
DuplicateChangeException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
DuplicateCheckinNoteFieldException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
DuplicateExtensionException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
DuplicateFileTypeException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
DuplicateItemFoundException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
DuplicateServerItemException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
DuplicateWorkingFolderException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ExceptionEventArgs |
.gif) |
ExistingParentFileException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ExtendedItem |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
Failure |
.gif) |
FileIdNotFoundException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
FileType |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
FolderContentException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
FolderEditException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
FutureDateException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
GetRequest |
.gif) |
GetStatus |
Contains information about the results of a get operation. |
.gif) |
GettingEventArgs |
Represents event arguments for the Getting event. |
.gif) |
GlobalSecurity |
.gif) |
IdentityNotFoundException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
IllegalCommentException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
IllegalComputerNameException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
IllegalFieldNameException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
IllegalIdentityException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
IllegalLabelNameException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
IllegalPolicyNameException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
IllegalServerItemException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
IllegalServerStateChangeException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
IllegalShelvesetException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
IllegalShelvesetOwnerException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
IllegalUrlException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
IllegalVersionException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
IllegalWorkspaceException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
IncompatibleChangeException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
IncompatibleCompressionFormatException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
IncompletePendingChangeException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
IncompleteUploadException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
InconsistentRequestTypesException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
InheritanceChange |
.gif) |
InvalidAcceptYoursException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
InvalidAcceptYoursRenameTheirsException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
InvalidConflictIdException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
InvalidExtensionException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
InvalidFileIDException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
InvalidFileTypeException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
InvalidIdentityException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
InvalidProjectPendingChangeException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
InvalidSqlDateException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
InvalidVersionSpecException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
Item |
Represents an item. |
.gif) |
ItemCloakedException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ItemDeletedException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ItemExistsException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ItemLockedException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ItemNotCheckedOutException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ItemNotFoundException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ItemNotMappedException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ItemRequiredException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ItemSecurity |
.gif) |
ItemSet |
Represents a set of items. |
.gif) |
ItemSpec |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
LabelExistsException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
LabelHasChildrenException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
LabelItemSpec |
.gif) |
LabelNotFoundException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
LabelNotUniqueException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
LabelOwnerChangeException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
LabelPendingAddException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
LabelResult |
.gif) |
LabelVersionSpec |
Specifies a version based on a label. |
.gif) |
LatestVersionDeletedException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
LatestVersionSpec |
A base class for encapsulating version specifications. |
.gif) |
LoadFailurePolicyType |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
LocalItemOutOfDateException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
LocalItemRequiredException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
LocalVersionNotFoundException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
MappingConflictException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
MappingException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
MergeCandidate |
.gif) |
MergeConflictExistsException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
MergeDoNotHaveTargetLocallyException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
MergeEditDeleteException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
MergeEventArgs |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
MergeTargetCloakedException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
MergeTargetFileSourceDirectoryException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
MergeTargetNotMappedException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
MergeTargetPathAlreadyHasPendingMergeException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
MergeTargetPathHasIncompatiblePendingChangeException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
MergeTargetPathHasNamespacePendingChangeConflict |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
MissingParentIsRenameOrUndeleteException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
MustUndeleteParentException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
NoChangesToShelveException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
NoLockExistsException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
NoMergeRelationshipException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
NotAllowedOnFolderException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
NotWorkspaceOwnerException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
OnlyOneWorkspaceException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
OperationEventArgs |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
OwnerRequiredException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
PartialRenameConflictException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
PendingChange |
Represents a pending change that is part of a changeset. |
.gif) |
PendingChangeContentNotFoundException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
PendingChangeEventArgs |
.gif) |
PendingChangeMergeConflictExistsException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
PendingChildException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
PendingParentDeleteException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
PendingSet |
.gif) |
PermissionChange |
.gif) |
PluginHasMultipleInterfacesException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
PolicyBase |
Base class to inherit for a new check-in policy. |
.gif) |
PolicyEnvelope |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
PolicyFailure |
.gif) |
PolicyFailureInfo |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
PolicyList |
.gif) |
PolicyOverrideInfo |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
PolicyStateChangedEventArgs |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
PolicyType |
.gif) |
ProcessingChangeEventArgs |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
RangeFormatException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
RenameWorkingFolderException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
RepositoryNotFoundException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
RepositoryPathTooLongException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ReservedAnnotationException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ResolutionOptions |
These options control the conflict resolution process. |
.gif) |
ResolvedConflictEventArgs |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ResourceAccessException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
RootInheritanceException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
SavedCheckin |
Represents a saved attempt of a check-in for a workspace. |
.gif) |
SecurityChange |
.gif) |
SecurityException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ServerItemException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ServerItemRequiredException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ShelvedChangeNotFoundException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ShelveException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ShelveMergeConflictExistsException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
Shelveset |
A server-side collection of pending changes and associated metadata. |
.gif) |
ShelvesetExistsException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ShelvesetNotFoundException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ShelvingPartialRenameConflictException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
TargetCloakedException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
TargetHasPendingChangeException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
TargetIsChildException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
TeamProject |
.gif) |
TeamProjectCannotDeleteException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
TeamProjectFolderOptions |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
TeamProjectFolderPermission |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
TeamProjectNotFoundException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
ThreeWayMerge |
.gif) |
TooManyItemsException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
UndeleteAboveUnrelatedItemException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
UnexpectedDatabaseResultException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
UnshelveException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
UnshelveShelvesetEventArgs |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
UpdateLocalVersionQueue |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
VersionConflictException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
VersionControlArtifactProvider |
Implements IArtifactProvider, which makes the version-control artifacts available in their general form and provides methods to get and convert them into the objects that are used in the object model. |
.gif) |
VersionControlException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
VersionControlLabel |
Represents a version control label. |
.gif) |
VersionControlServer |
The VersionControlServer object represents the database. |
.gif) |
VersionSpec |
A utility class for parsing version specifications. |
.gif) |
Warning |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
WildcardNotAllowedException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
WorkingFolder |
This class represents the settings for a working folder. |
.gif) |
WorkingFolderCreationException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
WorkingFolderException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
WorkingFolderInUseException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
WorkItemCheckedInfo |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
WorkItemCheckinInfo |
.gif) |
WorkItemsUpdateEventArgs |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
WorkItemUpdatedEventArgs |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
WorkItemUpdateException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
Workspace |
Handler for Workspace changes. |
.gif) |
WorkspaceCancelEventArgs |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
WorkspaceCreationException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
WorkspaceDeletionException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
WorkspaceEventArgs |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
WorkspaceException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
WorkspaceExistsException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
WorkspaceInfo |
Holds the properties of a cached local workspace. |
.gif) |
WorkspaceNotFoundException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
WorkspaceRequiresComputerNameException |
Infrastructure. |
.gif) |
WorkspaceVersionSpec |
.gif) |
Workstation |
A class that represents a computer and the source control state on that computer. |