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Walkthrough: Using an Assembly in a Text Template

You can use text templates to generate code, text or HTML artifacts. For more information, see Generating Artifacts By Using Text Templates. By using the assembly directive in a text template, you can reference an assembly and then use the types and members from that assembly in your text template code. For example, in this walkthrough, you use an assembly that accepts a person's birth date in string format, and then returns that person's age by using an integer value.

This walkthrough illustrates the following tasks:

  • How to create a basic assembly.

  • How to create a text template.

  • How to use the assembly in the text template.


To complete this walkthrough, you must have:

Creating a Basic Assembly

First you create a basic assembly to use in your text template.


You create this assembly for testing only. You can use the assembly directive to reference any existing assembly.

The assembly has one class, which is named CustomFunctions, and one method, which is named GetAge. GetAge accepts a person's birth date in string form and returns the person's age.

To create a simple assembly

  1. Create a new Visual Basic or C# class library project named CustomAssembly.

    The system creates a class library project.

  2. Replace the code in Class1 with the following code.

    using System;
    namespace CustomAssembly
        public static class CustomFunctions
            public static int GetAge(string birthDate)
                DateTime birth;
                    birth = DateTime.Parse(birthDate);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Unable to read birth date.", ex);
                if (DateTime.Today.Month < birth.Month)  //it is before your birthday
                    return DateTime.Today.Year - birth.Year - 1;
                else if (DateTime.Today.Month > birth.Month)  //it is after your birthday
                    return DateTime.Today.Year - birth.Year;
                else // DateTime.Today.Month == birth.Month  //we don't know yet
                    if (DateTime.Today.Day < birth.Day)  //it is before your birthday
                        return DateTime.Today.Year - birth.Year - 1;
                    else //it is your birthday, or it is after your birthday
                        return DateTime.Today.Year - birth.Year;
    Imports System
    Public Class CustomFunctions
        Public Shared Function GetAge(ByVal birthDate As String) As Integer
            Dim birth As DateTime
                birth = DateTime.Parse(birthDate)
            Catch ex As Exception
                Throw New ApplicationException("Unable to read birth date.", ex)
            End Try
            If (DateTime.Today.Month < birth.Month) Then  'it is before your birthday
                Return DateTime.Today.Year - birth.Year - 1
            ElseIf (DateTime.Today.Month > birth.Month) Then  'it is after your birthday
                Return DateTime.Today.Year - birth.Year
            Else ' DateTime.Today.Month == birth.Month  'we don't know yet
                If (DateTime.Today.Day < birth.Day) Then  'it is before your birthday
                    Return DateTime.Today.Year - birth.Year - 1
                Else 'it is your birthday, or it is after your birthday
                    Return DateTime.Today.Year - birth.Year
                End If
            End If
        End Function
    End Class
  3. Build and save the project.

Creating a Text Template

Next, you create a text template that uses the assembly.

To create a text template

  1. Create a new Visual Basic or C# class library project named TemplateTest.

    The system creates a class library project.

  2. Add a text file named to the project.

  3. Make sure that the Custom Tool property is set to TextTemplatingFileGenerator.

  4. On the File menu, click Save All.

Using the Assembly in the Text Template

Finally, you use the types and methods from the assembly in your text template.

To use the assembly in the text template

  1. Add the following directives to the top of to reference the assembly that you just created.


    The language of the text template does not have to match the language of the assembly.

    <#@ assembly name="<YOUR PATH>\CustomAssembly\CustomAssembly\bin\Debug\CustomAssembly.dll" #>
    <#@ import namespace="CustomAssembly" #>
    <#@ output extension="txt" #>
    <#@ assembly name="<YOUR PATH>\CustomAssembly\CustomAssembly\bin\Debug\CustomAssembly.dll" #>
    <#@ import namespace="CustomAssembly" #>
    <#@ template language="vb" #>
    <#@ output extension="txt" #>


    In addition to the assembly directive, you also used the import directive to import a namespace from your assembly. These two directives are often used in conjunction.

  2. In the code, replace <YOUR PATH> with the path of your assembly.


    If your assembly is installed in the global assembly cache, you can just specify the name of the assembly.

  3. Add the following text block and statement to

    This code calls the GetAge function in the referenced assembly.

    Welcome Ben Smith.
        int age = CustomFunctions.GetAge("10/9/1940");
    Welcome Ben Smith.
        Dim age as Integer = CustomFunctions.GetAge("10/9/1940")
  4. Add the following text block and expression to

    This code displays the result of calling the GetAge function.

    Your current age is:
    <#= age #>
    Your current age is:
    <#= age #>
  5. In Solution Explorer, right-click, and then click Run Custom Tool.

  6. In Solution Explorer, expand, and then double-click AssemblyTest.txt to open it in the editor.

    The generated text output appears and resembles the following example.

    Welcome Ben Smith.

    Your current age is:



For more information, see Security of Text Templates.

Next Steps

If you have problems with your code, you might want to try some debugging. To debug text templates, you must set the debug parameter of the template directive. For more information, see Walkthrough: Debugging a Text Template.

See Also


Walkthrough: Creating and Running Text Templates

How to: Reference Assemblies in Text Templates


Directive Syntax (Domain-Specific Languages)

Other Resources

Domain-Specific Language Tools Glossary

Change History




July 2008

Rewrote and refactored project.

Content bug fix.