The primary means to insert an element in a map.
void SetAt(
ARG_KEY key,
ARG_VALUE newValue
Template parameter specifying the type of the key parameter.key
Specifies the key of the new element.ARG_VALUE
Template parameter specifying the type of the newValue parameter.newValue
Specifies the value of the new element.
First, the key is looked up. If the key is found, then the corresponding value is changed; otherwise a new key-value pair is created.
CMap<int, int, CPoint, CPoint> myMap;
// Add 10 elements to the map.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i+)
myMap.SetAt(i, CPoint(i, i));
// Remove the elements with even key values.
POSITION pos = myMap.GetStartPosition();
int nKey;
CPoint pt;
while (pos != NULL)
myMap.GetNextAssoc(pos, nKey, pt);
if ((nKey % 2) == 0)
// Print the element values.
pos = myMap.GetStartPosition();
while (pos != NULL)
myMap.GetNextAssoc(pos, nKey, pt);
_tprintf_s(_T("Current key value at %d: %d,%d\n"),
nKey, pt.x, pt.y);
Header: afxtempl.h