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Supports general text Find operations in the environment for documents and files.
The Find type exposes the following members.
Performs a search based on the options set for the Find object.
Performs a Find or Replacement operation based on the arguments to the method, without affecting the options set for the Find.
Gets or sets how to find, such as find next match, find all, replace and find, and so forth.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the search is performed backwards from the current position.
Gets the top-level extensibility object.
Gets or sets the file extension for the files to be searched.
Gets or sets the text or pattern to find.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not modified documents remain open after a Replace operation.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the search is case-sensitive.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether hidden text is included in the search.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the search matches whole words only.
Gets the immediate parent object of a Find object.
Gets or sets the syntax used to specify the search pattern.
Gets or sets the replacement text for a replacement operation.
Gets or sets the location where the results are shown in a bulk search operation.
Gets or sets a list of directories to use for a find-in-files operation.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether subfolders are included in a Search operation.
Gets or sets the target of the search operation, such as all open docs, files, the active document, and so forth.