Initializing Modeling Collection Types in Cord
Spec Explorer provides three modeling collection types that are appropriate for use as action parameters: Map, Set, and Sequence.
Initialization in Cord of other variable types is done just as in C#.
The following example demonstrates a compact syntax for initializing these collection types in Cord.
config ParameterCombination: Main
action abstract static void
Implementation.SetValues(Map<string, int> valuesMap)
where valuesMap in {
Map<string, int>{ "green"->1, "blue"->3, "cyan"->5 },
Map<string, int>{ "green"->5, "red"->4, "yellow"->7 },
Map<string, int>{} };
action abstract static Map<string, int>
Implementation.GetValues(Set<string> keySet)
where keySet in {
Set<string>{ "green", "blue" },
Set<string>{ "red", "orange" },
Set<string>{ "cyan" },
Set<string>{} };
action abstract static Sequence<int>
Implementation.RemoveDuplicateElements(Sequence<int> queue)
where queue in {
Sequence<int>{ 1, 3, 2 },
Sequence<int>{ 2, 2, 2 },
Sequence<int>{ 1 },
Sequence<int>{} };