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Utility Programs

These tools are provided with Microsoft Visual FoxPro to help speed the process of application development.

In This Section

    Adds label sizes to the new label dialog box in the Label designer.
  • Cpzero.prg
    Removes the code page mark from any file that has a table file structure.
  • Gendbc.prg
    Generates a program that can re-create a database.
  • Genhtml.prg
    Generates a Web page based on data in a table.
  • Transformer
    Maps values of properties of existing forms, class libraries, and projects according to specific conditions.
  • Code Analyzer
    Provides visual controls, a menu, and keyboard options to navigate through application file code by using output from the Documenting wizard.
    Examines or changes address, byte, and ASCII values of data in a file.
  • Getting Started with Visual FoxPro
    Microsoft Visual FoxPro is the object-oriented database management system that makes it possible for you to create state-of-the-art enterprise database solutions.
  • Using Visual FoxPro
    Microsoft Visual FoxPro provides the tools you require to create and to manage high-performance, 32-bit database applications and components. With its robust tools and data-centric object-oriented language, you can build modern, scalable, multi-tier applications that integrate client/server computing and the Internet.
  • Reference
    The Microsoft Visual FoxPro reference includes topics on productivity tools, as well as the controls, objects, properties, methods, events, statements, functions, and constants available.
  • Samples
    Microsoft Visual FoxPro comes with numerous code samples that you can use for experimenting and becoming acquainted with features.