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Applies To: System Center 2016 - Service Provider Foundation, System Center Technical Preview


Reads, creates, updates, or deletes Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) services.

HTTP Verbs

Yes Yes Yes Yes


Gets all VMM services.

If you provide the StampId property, all services within the matching stamp are returned.

If you provide the Name property, the service with the matching name is returned.

If you provide the ID property, the specified service is returned.

If you provide the CloudId property, the query is restricted to the specified cloud.

Entity Properties

Name Type Mandatory Description
ID Edm.Guid No The identifier of the service
StampId Edm.Guid No The identifier of the stamp to restrict the query to
Name Edm.String No The name of the service
CloudId Edm.Guid No The cloud identifier


Creates a new service based on the specified service template.

Entity Properties

Name Type Mandatory Description
StampId Edm.Guid Yes The identifier of the stamp to restrict the query to
ServiceTemplateId Edm.Guid Yes The identifier of the service template to create this service from
CloudId Edm.Guid Yes The cloud identifier
NewServiceDeployment NewServiceDeployment No Configures service deployment and computer tiers settings.
IgnorePlacementErrors Edm.Boolean No If the value of this property is true, the service will still be created even if any placement errors occur.


Updates an existing service.

Based on the properties that are provided, the PUT operation can update the properties of the service, reassign ownership, or control the state of the service.

Specifies the Operation property to control the state of the service.

Entity Properties

Name Type Description
ID Edm.Guid Yes The identifier of an existing service
StampId Edm.Guid Yes The identifier of the stamp to restrict the query to
Name Edm.String No The name of the service
Description Edm.String No The description of the service
Owner UserAndRole No The owner of the service
GrantedToList UserAndRole[] Yes The users and roles that have access to the service

 Collection may be empty.
CostCenter Edm.String No The cost center that this service is grouped with
ServicePriority Edm.String No Specifies the priority for a service. Valid values are Normal, Low, and High. The default value is Normal.
ServiceTemplateId Edm.Guid No The identifier of the service template
ServiceSettings Edm.Collections.ArrayList No A collection of settings for the service. The settings are ComputerName, RunAsAccount, and VMNetwork.
Operation Edm.String No Controls the service when this object is submitted to the server. Valid values are Start, Stop, Shutdown, Suspend, and Resume.


Deletes the specified service.

Entity Properties

Name Type Mandatory Description
StampId Edm.Guid Yes The identifier of the stamp to restrict the query to
ID Edm.Guid Yes The identifier of the service to delete

See Also

VMM Collections Reference