SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyDriverPackageAction Server WMI Class
Applies To: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2
The SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyDriverPackageAction Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class is an SMS Provider server class, in Configuration Manager, that represents an action used in a task sequence to make all device drivers in a driver package available for use by Windows setup. This action can also be used to install boot-critical mass storage device drivers for Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003.
The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties.
Class SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyDriverPackageAction : SMS_TaskSequence_Action
String BootCriticalContentUniqueID;
String BootCriticalDriverID;
String BootCriticalHardwareComponent;
String BootCriticalID;
String BootCriticalINFFile;
SMS_TaskSequence_Condition Condition;
Boolean ContinueOnError;
String Description;
String DriverPackageID;
Boolean Enabled;
String Name;
String SupportedEnvironment;
UInt32 Timeout;
Boolean UnsignedDriver;
The SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyDriverPackageAction class does not define any methods.
Data type: StringAccess type: Read/Write
Qualifiers: [RequiredIfNotNull]
The unique ID of the content associated a boot-critical mass storage device driver. If this ID is not specified, no mass-storage device driver is installed. The driver content can be obtained from the SMS_CIToContent Server WMI Class where the CI_ID property matches the driver ID. The default value is null.
This property is required if BootCriticalDriverID is set.
Data type: StringAccess type: Read/Write
Qualifiers: [CommandLineArg(2)]
Optional ID specified by the CI_UniqueID property of the SMS_Driver Server WMI Class object to install for a boot-critical mass storage device driver. The default value is null.
Data type: StringAccess type: Read/Write
Qualifiers: [RequiredIfNotNull]
Hardware component used if a boot-critical mass storage device driver is being installed. The default value is null.
This property is required if BootCriticalDriverID is set.
Data type: StringAccess type: Read/Write
Qualifiers: [RequiredIfNotNull]
The boot-critical ID of the mass-storage device driver to be installed. The default value is null. This ID is listed in the "scsi" section of the device driver Txtsetup.oem file.
This property is required if BootCriticalDriverID is set.
Data type: StringAccess type: Read/Write
Qualifiers: [RequiredIfNotNull]
The INF file of a boot-critical mass-storage device driver to be installed. The default value is null.
This property is required if BootCriticalDriverID is set.
Data type: SMS_TaskSequence_ConditionAccess type: Read/Write
Qualifiers: None
Data type: BooleanAccess type: Read/Write
Qualifiers: None
Data type: StringAccess type: Read/Write
Qualifiers: [AllowedLen("0-255")]
Data type: StringAccess type: Read/Write
Qualifiers: [CommandLineArg(1), TaskSequencePackage, Not_Null]
ID of the driver package to install. This value is indicated by the PackageID property of the specific SMS_DriverPackage Server WMI Class object.
Data type: BooleanAccess type: Read/Write
Qualifiers: None
Data type: StringAccess type: Read/Write
Qualifiers: [AllowedLen("1-100")]
Data type: StringAccess type: Read/Write
Qualifiers: [Not_Null:ToInstance]
See SMS_TaskSequence_Action Server WMI Class.
The default value for this class is WinPE.
Data type: UInt32Access type: Read/Write
Qualifiers: None
Data type: BooleanAccess type: Read/Write
Qualifiers: [Not_Null, VariableName("OSDAllowUnsignedDriver")]
true to configure Windows to allow unsigned device drivers to be installed. The default value is false.
This property is required by the action. However it is not used when deploying the Windows Vista operating system.
The task sequence variable associated with this property is OSDAllowUnsignedDriver. For more information, see the MSDN documentation for Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Variables.
Class qualifiers for this class include:
[CommandLine("osddriverclient.exe /install:%1 <?2:\"/bootcritical:%%OSDApplyDriverBootCriticalContentUniqueID%%,%%OSDApplyDriverBootCriticalINFFile%%,%%OSDApplyDriverBootCriticalHardwareComponent%%,%%OSDApplyDriverBootCriticalID%%\">/unsigned:%%OSDAllowUnsignedDriver%%"),ActionCategory{"Drivers,2,5"},ActionUI{"AdminUI.TaskSequenceEditor.dll", "Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.AdminConsole.TaskSequenceEditor", "ApplyDriverPackageControl", "TaskSequenceOptionControl"}, VariablePrefix("OSDApplyDriver")]
For more information about both the class qualifiers and the property qualifiers included in the Properties section, see Configuration Manager Class and Property Qualifiers.
Runtime Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Runtime Requirements.
Development Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Development Requirements.
See Also
Operating System Deployment Server WMI Classes
SMS_Driver Server WMI Class
SMS_DriverPackage Server WMI Class
SMS_TaskSequence_Action Server WMI Class
Configuration Manager Operating System Deployment
About Operating System Deployment Task Sequences
How to Create an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence
How to Add an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Action