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Understanding the Analysis Services Deployment Script

The XMLA deployment script generated by the Analysis Services Deployment Wizard consists of two sections:

  • The first part of the deployment script contains the commands required to create, alter, or delete the appropriate Microsoft SQL Server objects in the destination database. By default, the input files generated by the Analysis Services project are based on an incremental deployment. As a result, the XMLA deployment script will only affect those objects that were changed or deleted.

  • The second part of the deployment script contains the commands required to process only the objects created or altered on the destination server (the Process Default option) or to fully process the destination database. You can also choose to have the deployment script contain no processing commands.

The entire deployment script can execute in a single transaction or in multiple transactions. If the script executes in multiple transactions, the first part of the script executes as a single transaction, and each object is processed in its own transaction.


The Analysis Services Deployment Wizard only deploys objects into a single Analysis Services database. It does not deploy any server level objects or data.

See Also


Running the Analysis Services Deployment Wizard


Understanding the Input Files Used to Create the Deployment Script