Dela via

STContains (geography Data Type)

Specifies whether the calling geography instance spatially contains the geography instance passed to the method.


.STContains ( other_geography )


  • other_geography
    Is another geography instance to compare against the instance on which STContains() is invoked.

Return Types

SQL Server return type: bit

CLR return type: SqlBoolean


Returns 1 if the calling geography instance spatially contains the geography instance passed to the method, and returns 0 if it does not. Returns null if the SRID of the two geography instances are not the same.


The following example uses STContains() to test two geography instances to see if the first instance contains the second instance.

DECLARE @g geography;
DECLARE @h geography;
SET @g = geography::Parse('CURVEPOLYGON (COMPOUNDCURVE (CIRCULARSTRING (-122.200928 47.454094, -122.810669 47.00648, -122.942505 46.687131, -121.14624 45.786679, -119.119263 46.183634), (-119.119263 46.183634, -119.273071 47.107523, -120.640869 47.569114, -122.200928 47.454094)))');
SET @h = geography::Parse('POINT(-121.703796 46.893985)');

SELECT @g.STContains(@h);