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System Settings (Master Data Services)

For all web applications and web services associated with a Master Data Services database, you can configure system settings.

Many of these settings can be configured in Master Data Services Configuration Manager on the Database page. Others can be configured in the System Settings table (mdm.tblSystemSetting) in the Master Data Services database.

The settings can be grouped in the following categories:

  • General Settings

  • Version Management Settings

  • Staging Settings

  • Explorer Settings

  • Add-in for Excel Settings

  • Business Rule Settings

  • Notification Settings

  • Security Settings

  • Not Used

General Settings

Configuration Manager Setting

System Setting


Database connection time-out


The number of seconds the Master Data Services database allows for a connection to complete. If the connection does not complete within this time, the connection is cancelled and an error is returned. The default value is 60 seconds (1 minute).

Database command time-out


The number of seconds the Master Data Services database allows for a command to complete. If the command does not complete within this time, the command is cancelled and an error is returned. The default value is 3600 seconds (60 minutes).

Web service time-out


The number of seconds ASP.NET allows for a Master Data Manager page request to complete. If the request does not complete within this time, the request is cancelled and an error is returned. The default value is 120000 seconds (2000 minutes).

Client time-out


The number of seconds of inactivity before Master Data Manager returns to the home page. The default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

Number of rows per batch


The number of records to retrieve in each batch by the web service. The default value is 50.


The text that is displayed in event logs. The default value is MDM.


The text that is displayed in the Master Data Manager web browser's title bar. The default value is Master Data Manager.

Version Management Settings

Configuration Manager Setting

System Setting


Copy only committed versions


In Master Data Manager, determines whether users can copy model versions with a status of Committed, or versions with any status. The default value is Yes or 1, which indicates that users can copy Committed versions only. Change to No or 2 to allow users to copy all versions.

For more information, see Versions (Master Data Services).

Staging Settings

Configuration Manager Setting

System Setting


Log all staging transactions


Applies to SQL Server 2008 R2 only. Determines whether or not transactions are logged when staging records are loaded into the Master Data Services database. The default value is Off or 2. Change to On or 1 to turn on logging.

Staging batch interval


In the Master Data Manager Integration Management functional area, the number of seconds after you select Start Batches that your batch is processed. The default value is 60 seconds (1 minute).

For more information, see Importing Data (Master Data Services).

Explorer Settings

Configuration Manager Setting

System Setting


Number of members in the hierarchy by default


In the Master Data Manager Explorer functional area, the maximum number of members that are displayed in each hierarchy node before …more… is displayed. You can click …more… to show the next group of members. The default value is 50.

Show names in hierarchy by default


In the Master Data Manager Explorer functional area, determines the default setting that is selected when you view hierarchies.

The default value is Yes or 1, which indicates that the name and code of each member are displayed. Change to No or 2 to display the code only.

Number of domain-based attributes in list


In the Master Data Manager Explorer functional area, the number of attributes that are displayed in a list when you double-click a domain-based attribute value in the grid. The default value is 50. If more than 50 members exist, a searchable dialog is displayed instead.


In the Master Data Manager Explorer functional area, the level of similarity used when using the Matches filter criteria. The default value is 0.3. Set the value closer to 1 to return a match that is closer to the search criteria. Set to 1 for an exact match.

Add-in for Excel Settings

Configuration Manager Setting

System Setting


Show Add-in for Excel text on website home page


On the Master Data Manager home page, show a link for users to download the Add-in for Excel.

Add-in for Excel install path on website home page


On the Master Data Manager home page, if the link to the Add-in for Excel is displayed, the location users go to when they click the link.

Business Rule Settings

Configuration Manager Setting

System Setting


Number to increment new business rules by


In the Master Data Manager System Administration functional area, the number the priority of each new business rule is incremented by. The default value is 10.

Number of members to apply business rules to


In the Master Data Manager Explorer functional area, the maximum number of members in the grid to apply business rules to. In the Add-in for Excel, the maximum number of members in the active worksheet to apply business rules to. The default value is 10000.

For more information, see Business Rules (Master Data Services).

Notification Settings

Configuration Manager Setting

System Setting


Master Data Manager URL for notifications


The URL for the Master Data Manager web application, which is used in the link in email notifications, for example http://constoso/mds.

Notification email interval


The frequency, in seconds, that email notifications are sent. The default value is 120 seconds (2 minutes).

Number of notifications in a single email


The maximum number of validation issues that will be listed in a single notification email. Additional issues, if they exist, are not included in the email, but are available in Master Data Manager.

Default email format


The format for all email notifications. The default value is HTML or 1. The database setting of 2 indicates Text.


You can override this for an individual user in Master Data Manager, by changing and saving the Email format on the user's General tab.

Regular expression for email address


In the Master Data Manager User and Group Permissions functional area, the regular expression used to validate the email address entered on a user's General tab. For more information about regular expressions, see Regular Expression Language Elements in the MSDN library.

Database Mail account


Displays the Database Mail account to use when sending email notifications. The default profile is mds_email_user.

Database Mail profile


The Database Mail profile to use when sending email notifications. The default value is blank.


In HTML format, the text of the email users get when a business rule fails validation.


In plain text format, the text of the email users get when a business rule fails validation.


In plain text format, the text of the email users get when the status of a version changes. Only users with Update permission to the entire model receive this email.


In HTML format, the text of the email users get when the status of a version changes. Only users with Update permission to the entire model receive this email.

For more information, see Notifications (Master Data Services).

Security Settings

Configuration Manager Setting

System Setting



In the Master Data Manager User and Group Permissions functional area, the frequency, in seconds, that user and group permissions set on the Hierarchy Members tab are applied. The default value is 3600 seconds (60 minutes).

For more information, see Immediately Apply Member Permissions (Master Data Services).

Not Used

The following settings in the System Settings table are not used.

  • SecurityMode

  • MDSHubName

  • ApplicationLogging

  • ReportServer

  • ReportDirectory

  • BusinessRuleEngineIterationLimit

  • BusinessRuleExtensibility

  • AttributeExplorerMarkAllActionMemberCount

See Also


Database Object Security (Master Data Services)