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GetReportServerUrls Method (WMI MSReportServer_Instance)

Returns a list of URLs users can use to access the report server and report manager.


Public Sub GetReportServerUrls (ByRef ApplicationName() As String, ByRef URLs()_
    As String, ByRef Length As Int32, ByRef HRESULT As Int32)
public void GetReportServerUrls(out string[] applicationName, 
    out string[] URLs, out int length, out int HRESULT);


  • ApplicationName[]
    An array that contains the applications that are installed. Values are either ReportServerWebService or ReportManager.

  • URLs[]
    An array that contains the successfully registered Urls.

  • Length
    An integer value that contains the length of the arrays returned.

    A value that indicates success or an error code.


Methods exposed by WMI management objects are called through the InvokeMethod function. For more information, please see "Executing Methods on Management Objects" in the Microsoft .NET Framework WMI documentation.


Namespace: root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ReportServer\<InstanceName>\v11  

Platform: Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition; Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition; Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition; Windows Vista; Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 (SP2) or Service Pack 1 (SP1); or Windows 2000 (all versions)

See Also


MSReportServer_ConfigurationSetting Members