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Understanding Events Logged by the Integration Services Service

The Integration Services service logs various messages to the Windows Application event log. The service logs these messages when the service starts, when the service stops, and when certain problems occur.

This topic provides information about the common event messages that the service logs to the Application event log. The Integration Services service logs all the messages described in this topic with an Event Source of SQLISService.

For general information about the Integration Services service, see Integration Services Service.

For information about how to troubleshoot the Integration Services service, see Troubleshooting the Integration Services Service.

Messages about the Status of the Service

When you select Integration Services for installation, the Integration Services service is installed and started, and its Startup Type is set to Automatic.

Event ID

Symbolic Name





Starting Microsoft SSIS Service.

The service is about to start.



Microsoft SSIS Service started.

The service started.



Microsoft SSIS Service failed to start.%nError: %1

The service was not able to start. This inability to start might be the result of a damaged installation or an inappropriate service account.



Stopping Microsoft SSIS Service.%n%nStop all running packages on exit: %1

The service is stopping, and if you configure the service to do this, will stop all running packages. You can set a true or false value in the configuration file that determines whether the service stops running packages when the service itself stops. The message for this event includes the value of this setting.



Microsoft SSIS Service stopped.%nServer version %1

The service stopped.

Messages about the Configuration File

Settings for the Integration Services service are stored in an XML file that you can modify. For more information, see Configuring the Integration Services Service.

Event ID

Symbolic Name





Microsoft SSIS Service: %nRegistry setting specifying configuration file does not exist. %nAttempting to load default config file.

The registry entry that contains the path of the configuration file does not exist or is empty.



Microsoft SSIS Service configuration file does not exist.%nLoading with default settings.

The configuration file itself does not exist at the specified location.



Microsoft SSIS Service configuration file is incorrect.%nError reading config file: %1%n%nLoading server with default settings.

The configuration file could not be read or is not valid. This error might be the result of an XML syntax error in the file.

Other Messages

Event ID

Symbolic Name





Microsoft SSIS Service: stopping running package.%nPackage instance ID: %1%nPackage ID: %2%nPackage name: %3%nPackage description: %4%nPackage

The service is trying to stop a running package. You can monitor and stop running packages in Management Studio. For information about how to manage packages in Management Studio, see Managing Packages.

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