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Product Name

SQL Server

Product Version


Product Build Number


Event ID


Event Source



Reporting Services

Message Text

The report server has encountered a configuration error.


This is a general purpose error that occurs when either the report server or a report authoring tool has invalid configuration settings. The error is usually accompanied by a second message that states the actual cause of the error.

The following list summarizes possible causes:

  • The RSReportServer.config or RSReportDesigner.config file cannot be found or read.

  • XML elements in either configuration file are missing or invalid.

  • Values for one or more XML elements are missing or invalid.

  • Registry settings are invalid.

User Action

If this error began to occur after you manually edited a configuration file, remove your changes and enter the previous value, or restore a previous version if you have a backup.

To review additional error message information that accompanies the rsServerConfiguration error, review the report server trace log files, which are located at \Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.<instancename >\Reporting Services\LogFiles.