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Grid (Dimension Usage Tab, Cube Designer) (Analysis Services - Multidimensional Data)

Use the Grid pane on the Dimension Usage tab in Cube Designer to view and edit dimension relationships between cube dimensions and measure groups. Each dimension relationship is represented as a cell in a grid, in which measure groups are displayed as columns and dimensions are displayed as rows.




Measure Groups

Select the measure groups to display in the Grid pane as columns. Selecting (Show All) displays all of the available measure groups.

Click a selected column header for a measure group to rename the measure group.


Select the cube dimensions to display in the Grid pane as rows. Selecting (Show All) displays all of the available cube dimensions.

Click a selected row header for a dimension to rename the cube dimension.


Select a cell and click the ellipsis button (...) to display the Define Relationship dialog box and define a dimension relationship between a cube dimension and a measure group. For more information about the Define Relationship dialog box, see Define Relationship Dialog Box (Analysis Services - Multidimensional Data).

Context Menu

The following options are available in the context menu, which is displayed by right-clicking the Grid pane:



Add Cube Dimension

Select to display the Add Cube Dimension dialog box and add references to existing or new database dimensions in the cube. For more information about the Add Cube Dimension dialog box, see Add Cube Dimension Dialog Box (Analysis Services - Multidimensional Data).

New Linked Object

Select to display the Linked Object Wizard and link measure groups and dimensions from other cubes, and to import actions, KPIs, and calculations, to the selected cube. For more information about the Linked Object Wizard, see Linked Object Wizard F1 Help.


This option is disabled.


This option is disabled.


This option is disabled.


Select to delete the selected cube dimension, measure group, or dimension relationship from the cube.


Select to rename the selected cube dimension, measure group, or dimension relationship.


Select to display the Properties window in Business Intelligence Development Studio for the selected cube dimension, measure group, or dimension relationship.