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Merge Join Transformation Editor

Use the Merge Join Transformation Editor dialog box to specify the join type, the join columns, and the output columns for merging two inputs combined by a join.


The Merge Join Transformation requires sorted data for its inputs. For more information about this important requirement, see How to: Sort Data for the Merge and Merge Join Transformations.

To learn more about the Merge Join transformation, see Merge Join Transformation.


  • Join type
    Specify whether you want to use an inner join, left outer join, or full join.

  • Swap Inputs
    Switch the order between inputs by using the Swap Inputs button. This selection may be useful with the Left outer join option.

  • Input
    For each column that you want in the merged output, first select from the list of available inputs.

Inputs are displayed in two separate tables. Select columns to include in the output. Drag columns to create a join between the tables. To delete a join, select it and then press the DELETE key.
  • Input Column
    Select a column to include in the merged output from the list of available columns on the selected input.

  • Output Alias
    Type an alias for each output column. The default is the name of the input column; however, you can choose any unique, descriptive name.