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Specify Locations for Remote Partitions (Synchronize Database Wizard) (Analysis Services)

Use the Specify Locations for Remote Partitions page to indicate if remote partitions managed by the specified database from the source Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services instance should be synchronized, and to specify a destination Analysis Services instance and database into which the selected remote partitions should be stored.


This page appears only if at least one remote partition is managed by the specified database on the source Analysis Services instance.

Locations Options

The Locations option displays a grid that lists details about locations in which remote partitions for the source database are stored, including source and destination information and the storage size used by each location, available from the selected database. The grid contains the following columns:

  • Sync
    Select to include a location that contains the remote partitions during synchronization.


    If this option is not selected for a location, remote partitions that are contained in that location will not be synchronized.

  • Source Server
    Displays the name of the Analysis Services instance that contains remote partitions.

  • Source Folder
    Displays the folder name on the Analysis Services instance that contains remote partitions. If the column contains the value "(Default)", the default location for the instance displayed in Source Server contains remote partitions.

  • Destination Server
    Displays the name of the Analysis Services instance into which the remote partitions stored in the location specified in Source Server and Source Folder should be synchronized.

    Click the ellipsis (...) button to display the Connection Manager dialog box and specify an Analysis Services instance into which the remote partitions stored in the selected location should be synchronized.

  • Destination Folder
    Displays the folder name on the destination Analysis Services instance into which the remote partition is to be synchronized. If the column contains the value, "(Default)", the default location for the destination instance should contain the remote partition.

    Click the ellipsis (...) button to display the Browse for Remote Folder dialog box and specify a folder on the destination instance into which the remote partitions stored in the selected location should be synchronized.

  • Size
    Displays the estimated size of remote partitions stored in the location.

Partitions in selected location Options

The Partitions in selected location displays a grid that describes the remote partitions stored in the location on the source Analysis Services instance specified in the Source Folder column of the selected row in Locations. The grid contains the following columns:

  • Cube
    Displays the name of the cube that contains the partition.

  • Measure Group
    Displays the name of the measure group in the cube that contains the partition.

  • Partition Name
    Displays the name of the partition.

  • Size(Mb)
    Displays the size in megabytes (MB) of the partition.