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How to: Move a UCP from One Instance of SQL Server to Another (SQL Server Utility)

Use the following steps to move a utility control point (UCP) from one instance of SQL Server to another.

Move a UCP from one instance of SQL Server to another.

  1. Create a new UCP on the instance of SQL Server that will be the new host instance of the UCP. For more information, see How to: Create a SQL Server Utility Control Point (SQL Server Utility).

  2. If non-default policy settings have been set for any instances of SQL Server in your SQL Server Utility, make note of the policy thresholds so that you can re-establish them on the new UCP. Default policies are applied when instances are added to the new UCP. If default policies are in effect, the SQL Server Utility list view displays Global in the Policy Type column.

  3. Remove all managed instances from the old UCP. For more information, see How to: Remove an Instance of SQL Server from the SQL Server Utility.

  4. Back up the utility management data warehouse (UMDW) from the old UCP. The filename is Sysutility_mdw_<GUID>_DATA, and the database default location is <System drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.<UCP_Name>\MSSQL\Data\, where <System drive> is normally the C:\ drive. For more information, see Copying Databases with Backup and Restore.

  5. Restore the backup of the UMDW to the new UCP. For more information, see Copying Databases with Backup and Restore.

  6. Enroll instances into the new UCP to make them managed by the SQL Server Utility. For more information, see How to: Enroll an Instance of SQL Server (SQL Server Utility).

  7. Implement custom policy definitions for the managed instances of SQL Server, as necessary.

  8. Wait approximately 1 hour for data collection and aggregation operations to complete.

  9. To refresh data, right-click the Managed Instances node in Utility Explorer, then select Refresh. List view data are displayed in the Utility Explorer content pane. For more information, see How to: View Resource Health Policy Results (SQL Server Utility).