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Populating a Table with Existing Hierarchical Data

This task creates a new table and populates it with the data in the EmployeeDemo table. This task has the following steps:

  • Create a new table that contains a hierarchyid column. This column could replace the existing EmployeeID and ManagerID columns. However, you will retain those columns. This is because existing applications might refer to those columns, and also to help you understand the data after the transfer. The table definition specifies that OrgNode is the primary key, which requires the column to contain unique values. The clustered index on the OrgNode column will store the date in OrgNode sequence.

  • Create a temporary table that is used to track how many employees report directly to each manager.

  • Populate the new table by using data from the EmployeeDemo table.

To create a new table named NewOrg

  • In a Query Editor window, run the following code to create a new table named HumanResources.NewOrg:

      OrgNode hierarchyid,
      EmployeeID int,
      LoginID nvarchar(50),
      ManagerID int
    CONSTRAINT PK_NewOrg_OrgNode

To create a temporary table named #Children

  1. Create a temporary table named #Children with a column named Num that will contain the number of children for each node:

    CREATE TABLE #Children 
        EmployeeID int,
        ManagerID int,
        Num int
  2. Add an index that will significantly speed up the query that populates the NewOrg table:

    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX tmpind ON #Children(ManagerID, EmployeeID);

To populate the NewOrg table

  1. Recursive queries forbid subqueries with aggregates. Instead, populate the #Children table with the following code, which uses the ROW_NUMBER() method to populate the Num column:

    INSERT #Children (EmployeeID, ManagerID, Num)
    SELECT EmployeeID, ManagerID,
    FROM EmployeeDemo
  2. Review the #Children table. Note how the Num column contains sequential numbers for each manager.

    SELECT * FROM #Children ORDER BY ManagerID, Num

    Here is the result set.

    EmployeeID ManagerID Num

    ---------- --------- ---

    1 NULL 1

    2 1 1

    3 1 2

    4 2 1

    5 2 2

    6 2 3

    7 3 1

    8 3 2

    9 4 1

    10 4 2

  3. Populate the NewOrg table. Use the GetRoot and ToString methods to concatenate the Num values into the hierarchyid format, and then update the OrgNode column with the resultant hierarchical values:

    WITH paths(path, EmployeeID) 
    AS (
    -- This section provides the value for the root of the hierarchy
    SELECT hierarchyid::GetRoot() AS OrgNode, EmployeeID 
    FROM #Children AS C 
    WHERE ManagerID IS NULL 
    -- This section provides values for all nodes except the root
    CAST(p.path.ToString() + CAST(C.Num AS varchar(30)) + '/' AS hierarchyid), 
    FROM #Children AS C 
    JOIN paths AS p 
       ON C.ManagerID = P.EmployeeID 
    INSERT NewOrg (OrgNode, O.EmployeeID, O.LoginID, O.ManagerID)
    SELECT P.path, O.EmployeeID, O.LoginID, O.ManagerID
    FROM EmployeeDemo AS O 
    JOIN Paths AS P 
       ON O.EmployeeID = P.EmployeeID
  4. A hierarchyid column is more understandable when you convert it to character format. Review the data in the NewOrg table by executing the following code, which contains two representations of the OrgNode column:

    SELECT OrgNode.ToString() AS LogicalNode, * 
    FROM NewOrg 
    ORDER BY LogicalNode;

    The LogicalNode column converts the hierarchyid column into a more readable text form that represents the hierarchy. In the remaining tasks, you will use the ToString() method to show the logical format of the hierarchyid columns.

  5. Drop the temporary table, which is no longer needed:

    DROP TABLE #Children

The next task will create indexes to support the hierarchical structure.

Next Task in Lesson

Optimizing the NewOrg Table