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Report Server Status (Reporting Services Configuration)

Use this page to view information about the report server instance you are currently connected to. This page is the start page for report server configuration. Additional pages are available to configure virtual directories, service accounts, the report server database, report server e-mail delivery, scale-out deployment and single server initialization, and symmetric key management.

The Legend at the bottom of the page shows icons that indicate whether settings are configured. It is possible to specify settings in ways that do not result in a valid configuration. You should always test a Reporting Services installation to verify it works as expected. Visual indicators about configuration status are not a substitute for tests that verify a successful deployment. For more information about how to verify a deployment, see How to: Verify a Reporting Services Installation.

Users of the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services (SQL Server Express) should note the following:

  • Report server e-mail and scale-out deployment are not supported in SQL Server Express.
  • The report server database must be hosted on a local SQL Server Express Database Engine instance. You cannot use a remote SQL Server instance to host the database.
  • Data sources used in a report must also be SQL Server databases that run on the local SQL Server Express Database Engine instance. You cannot use remote data sources or other data source types. To use additional data source types, you must use a different edition of Reporting Services.


  • Connect
    Opens the Report Server Installation Instance Selection dialog box so that you can specify a different report server to configure. To connect, you must be a local administrator on the computer that runs the report server you are configuring.

    You can connect to a local or a remote report server instance. For more information, see Configuring a Report Server for Remote Administration in SQL Server Books Online.

  • Refresh
    Updates the current page with the most recent report server status.
  • Instance Name (Instance Properties)
    Displays information about the report server instance to which you are currently connected. Report server instance names are based on SQL Server named instances. The default instance for a report server is MSSQLSERVER. If you are using SQL Server Express, the default instance is SQLExpress.
  • Instance ID (Instance Properties)
    Each component of SQL Server 2005 can be run as a separate instance. You can also have multiple instances of the same component. Each component instance is assigned an identifier that corresponds to a folder on the file system that stores program files for that instance. The identifier is assigned by Setup in the order in which the instance is installed. For example, if you install a Database Engine instance, an Analysis Services instance, and a Reporting Services instance, the Database Engine will be installed first (as MSSQL.1), Analysis Services will be installed second (as MSSQL.2), and Reporting Services instance will be installed third (as MSSQL.3). If you install a second instance of a component that you already installed (for example, another instance of the Database Engine), it will be installed as MSSQL.4.
  • Initialized (Instance Properties)
    Shows whether the report server is operational and has the ability to store and retrieve encrypted data.
  • Server Status (Instance Properties)
    Shows whether the Report Server Windows service is running.
  • Start
    Starts the Report Server Windows service. Restarting the Windows service is necessary after some configuration changes (for example, when reconfiguring a report server after a computer name change).
  • Legend
    Shows the icons used for each configuration page to indicate the state for specific categories of settings.

    Not supported in the current mode refers to the deployment mode of the server, which can run in native mode or SharePoint integrated mode. Unless you specifically configure the server for SharePoint integrated mode, configuration settings for that mode are flagged as "not supported". For more information about modes, see Deployment Modes for Reporting Services in SQL Server Books Online.

See Also


Reporting Services Configuration F1 Help

Other Resources

Configuring Reporting Services Components
How to: Start Reporting Services Configuration
Initializing a Report Server
Installing Multiple Instances of Reporting Services

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