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Reading the SQL Server Compact Edition Server Agent Log Statistics

The Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition Server Agent log contains statistics when LOGGING_LEVEL 3 is specified. The statistics portion of the log is located between the opening tag (<STATS) and the closing tag (/>) of the log. Each block of statistic data reports the SQL Server Compact Edition connectivity operations that occurred during the last 15 minutes.

Statistics are generated whenever the cleanup thread recognizes that 15 minutes have passed since the last report. Statistics are generated only when there has been activity during the 15-minute interval. The statistics report is useful in monitoring performance.

The following statistical report shows a single synchronization (merge replication):

<STATS Period_Start="2002/07/13 15:27:32" Period_Duration="954" Syncs="1"
SubmitSQLs="0" RDAPushes="0" RDAPulls="0" AVG_IN_File_Size="332" 
AVG_OUT_File_Size="90203" Completed_Operations="1" 
Incomplete_Operations="0" Total_Sync_Thread_Time="3" 
Total_Transfer_Thread_Time_IN="0" Total_Pool_Transfer_Time_OUT="0" 
Total_Sync_Queue_Time="0" Total_Transfer_Queue_Time_IN="0" 
Total_Transfer_Queue_Time_OUT="0" />

The following table lists and describes the statistics log attributes.

Attribute Description


Start of the STATS period (in datetime format).


Time that this report covers (in seconds).


Number of bidirectional replication merges performed during this report period.


Number of remote data access (RDA) SubmitSQL() calls during this report period.


Number of RDA Push() calls during this report period.


Number of RDA Pull() calls during this report period.


Average size of the .in files (in bytes). Files with an .in extension are physical files created from the message data sent by the client.


Average size of the .out files (in bytes). Files with an .out extension are physical files created from the message data sent from the server.


Number of Sync, SubmitSQL, RDA Push, and RDA Pull calls that were completed during this time period.


Number of Sync, SubmitSQL, RDA Push, and RDA Pull calls that started but were not completed during this time period.


Total time that all synchronization threads (sync) took to complete synchronization operations (in seconds). Sync threads are members of a pool of threads that process messages from SQL Server Compact Edition. This statistic does not include the time it took to transfer the messages to and from the SQL Server Compact Edition clients.


Total time required to send all data to the server (in seconds). Comparing this attribute to Total_Pool_Thread_Time_OUT reveals where the greatest amount of time is spent, either sending data to the server or sending data to the device.


Total time that sync requests waited in the sync queue before being processed by the server (in seconds).


Total time that messages from clients waited in the queue before being processed by the SQL Server Compact Edition Server Agent (in seconds).


Total time that messages from SQL Server waited before being processed by the SQL Server Compact Edition Server Agent (in seconds).