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Installing SQL Server Integration Services from the Command Prompt


For detailed information about how to install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 components from the command prompt, we recommend that you review How to: Install SQL Server 2005 from the Command Prompt.

This topic contains only information specific to the installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS) from the command prompt.


Some SQL Server 2005 components that you may select for installation install a partial subset of Integration Services components. These components are useful for specific tasks, but the functionality of Integration Services will be limited. For example, the Database Engine option installs the Integration Services components required for the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard. The Business Intelligence Development Studio option installs the Integration Services components required to design a package, but there are limitations: the Integration Services service is not installed, the Message Queue task is not functional, and you cannot run packages outside of BI Development Studio. To ensure a complete installation of Integration Services, you must select Integration Services for installation.


For information about SQL Server 2005 features installed on a 64-bit computer, see Integration Services Considerations on 64-bit Computers.

Integration Services Command Prompt Installation Parameters

You can install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS) from the command prompt on a local or remote server. When you install from the command prompt, you can specify setup parameters at the command prompt, or you can use the /settings switch to load setup parameters from an .ini file. You must use either setup command line parameters or an .ini file, but you cannot use both.

When you install from the command prompt, you must use the addlocal="feature1,feature2,..." switch to specify the SQL Server 2005 features that you want to install. The following table shows the parameters that you can specify in an installation of Integration Services, including the Integration Services components, management and development tools, the SQL Server Database Engine, and SQL Server Books Online.

Value Specifies


The Integration Services components. Also installs support for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services (DTS) packages, including the DTS runtime and DTS package enumeration in SQL Server Management Studio.


Business Intelligence Development Studio.


SQL Server Management Studio.


The SQL Server Database Engine.


The data files for the SQL Server Database Engine. This option is required when you specify the SQL_Engine option.


SQL Server Books Online. If you do not specify this option, context-sensitive Help will not be available in designers, editors, and wizards.

For example, to install an instance of Integration Services, along with the product documentation, set the addlocal argument as shown in the following example:

   setup addlocal="SQL_DTS,SQL_BooksOnline"

For more information about the SQL Server 2005 features that you can specify in the addlocal argument, see the template.ini file in the root folder of the SQL Server 2005 installation media, or see How to: Install SQL Server 2005 from the Command Prompt.


You now have the option to install certain SQL Server 2005 components to a location other than the default location of %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\90. This option is available for Integration Services, SQL Server 2005 Notification Services, and Workstation Components (client tools, documentation, and samples). The switch to use for this option when you install from the command prompt is installsqlshareddir.

Other Required Command Prompt Installation Parameters

Additional parameters, such as PIDKEY, are required for any installation that you perform by using the setup command from the command prompt. Other parameters may also be necessary for a particular installation of Integration Services and other SQL Server 2005 components.

For more information about installing the SQL Server 2005 products and technologies from the command prompt, see How to: Install SQL Server 2005 from the Command Prompt.

Specifying Setup Parameters by Using an .Ini File

Optionally, you can specify setup command prompt parameters by loading them from an .ini file. On the setup command line, use the /settings filename.ini argument to specify the .ini file.

The template.ini file on the SQL Server 2005 installation media provides detailed instructions for creating an .ini file. Note in particular that the first noncommented line in the .ini file must contain the string, [Options]. The following example illustrates the format of an .ini file:


For more information about how to specify SQL Server 2005 setup parameters by using an .ini file, see the template.ini file in the root folder of the SQL Server 2005 installation media, or see How to: Install SQL Server 2005 from the Command Prompt.

Change History

Release History

5 December 2005

Changed content:
  • Added note directing users to Integration Services 64-bit topic for more information.
  • Clarified the limitations of an incomplete Integration Services installation.