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Telemetry Dashboard worksheet reference


Summary: Find reference information about Telemetry Dashboard worksheets that helps you understand Office stability in your organization.

Audience: IT Professionals


To assess your Office compatibility, we recommend using the Readiness Toolkit for Office add-ins and VBA. The Readiness Toolkit is a free download and can be used to identify the VBA macros and add-ins used in your organization. Also, the Excel-based readiness reports can tell you which add-ins are adopted or supported in Office 365 ProPlus and can provide suggestions on how to remediate VBA macros issues that are identified. For more information, see Use the Readiness Toolkit to assess application compatibility for Office 365 ProPlus.

As you use Telemetry Dashboard to investigate stability issues for Office documents and Office solutions, you might need more information about the data that is displayed in the worksheets. Use this article as a reference guide to help understand the data that is shown in Telemetry Dashboard. This data helps you identify stability issues for Office documents and solutions and helps you track Office deployments. You can also use this data to identify problems with the Telemetry Agents and Telemetry Processors.


This article is part of the Content roadmap for Office 2013 compatibility. Use the roadmap as a starting point for articles, downloads, scripts, and videos that help you assess Office 2013 compatibility.

In this article:

  • Overview worksheet

  • Documents worksheet

    • Document details worksheet

    • Document issues worksheet

    • Document sessions worksheet

  • Solutions worksheet

    • Solution details worksheet

    • Solution issues worksheet

    • Solution sessions worksheet

  • Telemetry Processor worksheet

  • Agents worksheet

  • Deployments worksheet

  • Custom report worksheet

Overview worksheet

The Overview worksheet provides a big picture view of both the stability and deployment status of Office within your organization. By using this worksheet, you can quickly understand how your critical documents and solutions are behaving on users’ computers. Instead of browsing the Documents and Solutions worksheets, which show you item-by-item status, you can open and refresh the Overview worksheet to see a high-level view of document and solution stability. The following screen shot shows the Overview worksheet:

Overview worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard

An screenshot of the main Overview worksheet view on the Office Telemetry dashboard.

There are three primary tasks that you can perform on the Overview worksheet. These correspond to sections that appear in this article.

Documents worksheet

The Documents worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard displays the list of documents that was collected by telemetry logging and by Telemetry Agent scans. In this worksheet, you can find frequently used documents and telemetry data about them.

The following screen shot shows the Documents worksheet.

Documents worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard

A screenshot of the main Document worksheet view in the Office Telemetry dashboard.

There are two main sections on the Documents worksheet:

  • Office usage

  • Office 2013 telemetry data

The columns under the Office usage section display usage data that is collected by the Telemetry Agent. You can select the link for the number of users of a document to see who is using the document. This information is displayed in the Document details worksheet.

The columns under the Office 2013 telemetry data section display telemetry data that is collected by telemetry logging. You can select the link for the number of users who hit critical or informative issues to see more details. This information is displayed in the Document issues worksheet.

The following table describes each column in the Documents worksheet.


By default, some columns are collapsed and not visible. Select the [+] symbols on the top row to expand the columns.

Column descriptions for the Documents worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard

Section Column Description

Office usage

File name

Shows the file name of each document.

Total users

Shows the number of users who opened each document by using Office 2003, Office 2007, Office 2010, and Office 2013

Office 2003

Shows the number of users who opened each document by using Office 2003.

Office 2007

Shows the number of users who opened each document by using Office 2007.

Office 2010

Shows the number of users who opened each document by using Office 2010.

Office 2013

Shows the number of users who opened each document by using Office 2013.

Total computers

Shows the total number of computers on which users opened each document by using Office 2003, Office 2007, Office 2010, and Office 2013.

Office 2003 (computers)

Shows the number of computers on which users opened each document by using Office 2003

Office 2007 (computers)

Shows the number of computers on which users opened each document by using Office 2007.

Office 2010 (computers)

Shows the number of computers on which users opened each document by using Office 2010.

Office 2013 (computers)

Shows the number of computers on which users opened each document by using Office 2013.

Office 2013 telemetry data

Success (%)

Shows the percentage of successfully opened documents (no critical errors occurred) out of the total number of sessions.


Shows the total number of sessions. A session refers to all selected file open events.


Shows the trend of changes that occurred between the current week and a week within the selected period. You can change the period by using the Date range filter in the navigation pane. For example, if you select 1 year from the Date range, the column shows a trend that compares the current week to a week from one year prior.


Shows the number of users who encountered critical issues.

Critical issues

Shows the number of unique critical issues.


Shows the number of users who encountered informative issues.

Informative issues

Shows the number of unique informative issues.


Shows the name of the application that was used to open each document.


Shows the file name extensions that were used to open each document.


Indicates whether each document is included with Office or has a default file name that is used for Office documents. You can use the filter for this column to hide built-in documents so that you can see the unique documents in your organization.

The following sections describe worksheets that help you drill down into specific issues. These worksheets appear after you select links within the Documents worksheet.

Document details worksheet

The Document details worksheet appears after you select a link under Office usage on the Documents worksheet. The Document details worksheet helps you see which users are frequently using a document.

The following screen shot shows the Documents details worksheet.

Document details worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard

A screenshot of the Document details worksheet in the Office Telemetry dashboard.

The following table describes each column in the Document details worksheet.

Column descriptions for the Documents details worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard

Column Description

User name

Displays the name of the user who used the document.

User domain

Displays the domain name for this user.

Computer name

Displays the computer name that was used to open the document.

Computer domain

Shows the computer's domain name.


Shows the file path of the document.

Only one file path is kept per user and computer. If the same user opens the document from a different file path on the same computer, Office Telemetry keeps only the most recent file path.

Size (KB)

Shows the file size of the document.


Shows the author name of the document.


Indicates whether the document contains VBA code.


Indicates whether the document contains OLE objects.

External data connection

Indicates whether the document has an external data connection.

ActiveX control

Indicates whether the document contains ActiveX controls.

Assembly reference

Indicates whether the document contains VSTO document-level customizations.

Last loaded

Indicates when the document was most recently loaded.


Shows the title of the document.

Office version

Shows the version of Office that was used to open the document.

Document issues worksheet

The Document issues worksheet appears after you select a link under Office 2013 telemetry data on the Documents worksheet. The Document issues worksheet helps you find details about unique events that were found for a document.

The following screen shot shows the Document issues worksheet.

Document issues worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard

A screenshot of the Document issues worksheet from the Office Telemetry dashboard.

The following table describes each column in the Document issues worksheet.

Column descriptions for the Documents issues worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard

Column Description

Event ID

Displays the Event ID. For more information about the event IDs, see “Table 2. Types of events displayed in the Telemetry Log” in Troubleshooting Office files and custom solutions with the Office Telemetry Log.


Shows the title of the issue.


Describes the issue.

More info

Provides a link to more information.


Shows total number of users who encountered the issue.


Shows total number of sessions that encountered the issue.

Document sessions worksheet

The Document sessions worksheet shows the sessions during which an issue occurred. You can open this worksheet by selecting a link in the Sessions column of the Document issues worksheet.

The following screen shot shows the Documents sessions worksheet.

Document sessions worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard

A screenshot of the Document sessions worksheet from the Office Telemetry dashboard.

The following table describes each column in the Document sessions worksheet.

Column descriptions for the Documents sessions worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard

Column Description

Event ID

Displays the Event ID. For more information about the event IDs, see “Table 2. Types of events displayed in the Telemetry Log” in Troubleshooting Office files and custom solutions with the Office Telemetry Log.

Event date

Shows the date and time when the issue occurred.

User name

Shows the names of users who were using the document that encountered the issue.

User domain

Shows the domain name for the user.

Computer name

Shows the name of the computer where the document encountered the issue.

Computer domain

Shows the computer's domain name.


Shows the file path where the selected document was opened.

Only one file path is kept per user and computer. If the same user opens the document from a different file path on the same computer, Office Telemetry keeps only the most recent file path.

Office version

Shows the version of Office that was used to open this document.

Documents loaded

Shows the list of documents that were being used when the issue occurred.

Size (KB)

Shows the size of the document.


Shows the name of the author of the document.


Indicates whether the document contains VBA code.


Indicates whether the document contains OLE objects.

External data connection

Indicates whether the document has an external data connection.

ActiveX control

Indicates whether the document contains ActiveX controls.

Assembly reference

Indicate whether the document contains VSTO document-level customization.


Shows the title of the document.

Solutions worksheet

The Solutions worksheet displays the list of solutions that was collected by telemetry logging and Telemetry Agent scans. In this worksheet, you can find frequently used solutions and telemetry data about them. The kinds of solutions that are shown include COM add-ins, application-specific add-ins, and apps for Office.

The following screen shot shows the Solutions worksheet.

Solutions worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard

A screenshot of the main Solutions worksheet from the Office Telemetry dashboard.

After telemetry data is collected, you can manage Office add-ins by using the Add-in management mode link on the Solutions worksheet. For more information, see Let's manage add-ins using Telemetry Dashboard.

There are two main sections on the Solutions worksheet:

  • Office usage

  • Office 2013 telemetry data

The columns under the Office usage section display the usage data that is collected by the Telemetry Agent. You can select the link for the number of users of a solution to see who is using the solution. This information is displayed on the Solution details worksheet.

The columns under the Office 2013 telemetry data section display telemetry data that is collected by telemetry logging. You can select the link for the number of users who hit critical or informative issues to see more details. This information is displayed on the Solution issues worksheet.

The following table describes each column in the Solutions worksheet.


By default, some columns are collapsed and not visible. Select the [+] symbols on the top row to expand the columns.

Column descriptions for the Solutions worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard

Section Column Description

Office usage

Total users

Shows the number of users who use the solution in Office 2003, Office 2007, Office 2010, and Office 2013.

Office 2003

Shows the number of users who use the solution in Office 2003.

Office 2007

Shows the number of users who use the solution in Office 2007.

Office 2010

Shows the number of users who use the solution in Office 2010.

Office 2013

Shows the number of users who use the solution in Office 2013.

Total computers

Shows the number of computers where the solution was opened by using Office 2003, Office 2007, Office 2010, and Office 2013.

Office 2003 (computers)

Shows the number of computers where the solution was opened by using Office 2003.

Office 2007 (computers)

Shows the number of computers where the solution was opened by using Office 2007.

Office 2010 (computers)

Shows the number of computers where the solution was opened by using Office 2010.

Office 2013 (computers)

Shows the number of computers where the solution was opened by using Office 2013.

Office 2013 telemetry data

Success (%)

Shows the percentage of successfully opened solutions (no critical error occurred) out of total sessions.


Shows the total number of sessions. A session refers to all selected file open events.


Shows the trend of changes that occurred between this week and a week within the selected period. You can change the period by using the Date range filter in the navigation pane. For example, if you select 1 year from the Date range, the column shows a trend that compares this week to a week from one year prior.


Shows the number of users who encountered critical issues

Critical issues

Shows the number of unique critical issues.


Shows the number of users who encountered informative issues.

Informative issues

Shows the number of unique informative issues.

Load time

Shows the average load time of the solution.


Shows the application name that was used to open the selected solution.


Shows the solution type.


Shows the file name of the solution.


Shows the file name extensions of the solution.


Shows the publisher of the solution.


Indicates whether this solution is included with Office. You can use the filter for this column to hide built-in solutions so that you can see the unique solutions in your organization.

The following sections describe worksheets that help you drill down into specific issues. These worksheets appear after you select links within the Solutions worksheet.

Solution details worksheet

The Solution details worksheet appears after you select a link under Office usage on the Solutions worksheet. The Solution details worksheet helps you see which users are frequently using a solution.

The following screen shot shows the Solution details worksheet.

Solution details worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard

A screenshot of the Document details worksheet in the Office Telemetry dashboard.

The following table describes each column in the Solution details worksheet.

Column description for the Solution details worksheet

Column Description

User name

Shows the name of user who used the solution.

User domain

Shows the domain name for this user.

Computer name

Shows the name of the computer where the solution was opened.

Computer domain

Shows the computer's domain name.

Solution version

Shows the version of the solution.


Shows the architecture of the solution.

Load time

Shows how long the solution took to load.

Last loaded

Shows the last time that the solution was loaded.

Load behavior

Shows the load behavior of COM add-ins as follows:

  • 0   Do not load automatically (Unloaded)

  • 1   Do not load automatically (Loaded)

  • 2   Load at startup (Unloaded)

  • 3   Load at startup (Loaded)

  • 8   Load on demand (Unloaded)

  • 9   Load on demand (Loaded)

  • 16   Load first time, then load on demand (Loaded)

For more information, see Load behavior values.

Policy setting

Shows the policy setting.

Office version

Shows the Office version that was used to open the solution.


Shows the publisher of the solution.


Shows the author name of the solution.

Friendly name

Shows the friendly name of the solution.


Shows the description of the solution.

Size (KB)

Shows the size of the solution.


Shows the file path of the solution.Only one file path is kept per user and computer. If the same user opens the solution from different file path on the same computer, Office Telemetry keeps only the most recent file path.

Solution issues worksheet

The Solution issues worksheet appears after you select a link under Office 2013 telemetry data on the Solutions worksheet. The Solution issues worksheet helps you find details about the unique events that were found for a solution.

The following screen shot shows the Solution issues worksheet.

Solution issues worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard

A screenshot of the Solutions issues worksheet from the Office Telemetry dashboard.

The following table describes each column in the Solution issues worksheet.

Column descriptions for the Solution issues worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard

Column Description

Event ID

Displays the Event ID. For more information about the event IDs, see “Table 2. Types of events displayed in the Telemetry Log” in Troubleshooting Office files and custom solutions with the Office Telemetry Log.


Shows the title of the issue.


Describes the issue.

More info

Provides a link to more information.


Shows the number of users who encountered the issue.


Shows the number of sessions that encountered the issue.

Solution sessions worksheet

The Solution sessions worksheet shows the sessions during which the issue occurred. You can open this worksheet by selecting a link in the Sessions column of the Solution issues worksheet.

The following screen shot shows the Solution sessions worksheet.

Solution sessions worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard

A screenshot of the Solutions sessions worksheet from the Office Telemetry dashboard.

The following table describes each column in the Solution sessions worksheet.

Column descriptions for the Solution sessions worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard

Column Description

Event ID

Displays the Event ID. For more information about the event IDs, see “Table 2. Types of events displayed in the Telemetry Log” in Troubleshooting Office files and custom solutions with the Office Telemetry Log.

Event date

Shows the date and time when the issue occurred.

User name

Shows the names of users who were using the solution that encountered the issue.

User domain

Shows the domain name for the user.

Computer name

Shows the name of the computer where the solution encountered the issue.

Computer domain

Shows the computer's domain name.

Solution version

Shows the version of the solution.


Shows the architecture of the solution.

Office version

Shows the Office version with build numbers that used this solution.

Load time

Shows how long the solution took to load.

Load behavior

Shows the load behavior of COM add-ins as follows:

  • 0   Do not load automatically (Unloaded)

  • 1   Do not load automatically (Loaded)

  • 2   Load at startup (Unloaded)

  • 3   Load at startup (Loaded)

  • 8   Load on demand (Unloaded)

  • 9   Load on demand (Loaded)

  • 16   Load first time, then load on demand (Loaded)

For more information, see Load behavior values.

Policy setting

Shows the policy setting.

Document loaded

Shows the documents that were open when the issue occurred.


Shows the publisher of the solution.


Shows the author name of the solution.

Friendly name

Shows the friendly name of the solution.


Shows the description of the solution.

Size (KB)

Shows the size of the solution.


Shows the file path of the solution.

Only one file path is kept per user and computer. If the same user opens the solution from a different file path on the same computer, Office Telemetry keeps only the most recent file path.

Telemetry Processor worksheet

The Telemetry Processor worksheet displays information about the health of the Office Telemetry infrastructure. You can monitor whether Telemetry Processors are running correctly, and you can check whether users' computers are sending telemetry data correctly.

The following screen shot shows the Telemetry Processor worksheet:

Telemetry Processor worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard

A screenshot of the main Telemetry Processor worksheet from the Office Telemetry dashboard.

The following table describes each column in the Telemetry Processor worksheet.

Column descriptions for the Telemetry Processor worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard

Column Description

Computer name

Lists the names of computers that are running Telemetry Processor. You can select the computer name to see the users whose computers are sending telemetry data to each Telemetry Processor. For more information about this feature, see the Agents worksheet later in this article.


Shows the status of the Telemetry Processor. Depending on the status, you might want to investigate if the Telemetry Processor is running correctly or if the agents on users' computers are configured correctly and uploading data.

The levels are described in the next table.


Shows the number of users whose computers are connected to each Telemetry Processor.


Shows the number of computers that connected to each Telemetry Processor.

Last updated

Shows the last date and time when the Telemetry Processor inserted data into the database.

The following table describes the status that is represented by the symbols that are displayed in the Level column.

Icon descriptions for the Level column in the Telemetry Processor worksheet

Symbol Status description
An image of the status icon indicating that the last update date/time for the Telemetry Processor is less than a day ago.

The last updated date and time for the Telemetry Processor is less than a day ago.

An image of the status icon indicating that 5% or more of the users for this Telemetry Processor are not uploading data for the last 14 days.

5% or more of the users for this Telemetry Processor have not uploaded data for the last 14 days. Select the Telemetry Processor name to open the Agents worksheet so that you can view which users' computers are not sending telemetry data.

An image of the status icon indicating that the last updated date/time for the Telemetry Processor is older than a day.

The last updated date and time for the Telemetry Processor is older than a day. When you see this status, you should investigate whether the Telemetry Processor is running correctly on the computer. You find information about how to troubleshoot Telemetry Processor in Troubleshooting Telemetry Dashboard deployments.

(No symbol)

The last updated date and time for the Telemetry Processor was more than 14 days ago.


A Telemetry Processor is deleted from the Telemetry Processors worksheet if the Last updated value for the Telemetry Processor is 90 or more days ago.

Agents worksheet

The Agents worksheet displays information about the users whose computers who are uploading data to each Telemetry Processor. You can open the Agents worksheet by selecting a link for a computer name on the Telemetry Processor worksheet. Use this worksheet to monitor the upload status of each computer.

The following screen shot shows the Agents worksheet.

Agents worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard

A screenshot of the Agents worksheet which is a drill down worksheet from the Telemetry Processor page on the Office Telemetry dashboard.

The following table describes each column in the Agents worksheet.

Column descriptions for the Agents worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard

Column name Description

User name

Lists the names of users whose computers upload telemetry data to the Telemetry Processor.


Indicates how recently the agent uploaded data. The levels are described in the next table.


Lists the names of the computers that upload telemetry data.

Last updated

Shows the last date and time when the user's computer uploaded data.

Label 1 - 4

Shows the tag values that are assigned to each user.


Shows the major and minor version of Telemetry Agent that runs on the user's computer.

The following table describes the status that is represented by the symbols that are displayed in the Level column.

Symbol Status description
An image of the status icon indicating that the last update date/time for the Telemetry Processor is less than a day ago.

The last updated date and time for the user is less than a day ago.

An image of the status icon indicating that 5% or more of the users for this Telemetry Processor are not uploading data for the last 14 days.

The last updated date and time for the user is between 2 and 14 days ago. Occasionally, you will see this icon when the user's computer has not uploaded data for more than a day (for example, Monday morning after the weekend).

An image of the status icon indicating that the last updated date/time for the Telemetry Processor is older than a day.

The last updated date and time for the user is between 15 and 30 days ago. When you see this status, you should investigate whether the Telemetry Agent on this user's computer is configured correctly.

You find information about how to troubleshoot Telemetry Agents in Troubleshooting Telemetry Dashboard deployments.

(No symbol)

The last updated date and time for the Telemetry Processor was 31 or more days ago.


A user is deleted from the Agents worksheet if the Last updated value for the user was 90 or more days ago.

Deployments worksheet

The Deployments worksheet provides a tabular view of the number of Office clients that are deployed in your organization. This worksheet provides additional information for the deployment trend chart that is shown in the Overview worksheet. This information can help you plan for future Office deployments.

In the following screen shot of the Deployments worksheet, you can see how many Office clients are deployed. The list is organized by Office version and CPU architecture. For example, you can see how many users are running 32-bit versions of Office Office 2013.

Deployments worksheet in Telemetry Dashboard

A screenshot of the main Deployments worksheet from the Office Telemetry dashboard.

You can see that there are still 32-bit computers that are running Office 2003. You may want to contact these users to understand if they have any concerns about how to upgrade to Office 2013. You can also create a custom report to show more information about these users, such as their computer hardware.

Also, you should be aware that Windows 8 is now supported on ARM-based architectures. If your organization has users who have Office 2013 on these computers, you can now keep track of that information in the Deployments worksheet. You can create custom reports to obtain richer information about who is using these computers, what issues they may be experiencing, and so on.

Custom report worksheet

When you select the Create custom report button on the Custom report worksheet, Telemetry Dashboard connects to multiple tables and creates relationships for you to use in a PivotTable. If you have never used a PivotTable before, you can learn more in Tutorial: PivotTable data analysis using a Data Model in Excel 2013.

See also

Content roadmap for Office 2013 compatibility
Overview of Office Telemetry
Monitor Office compatibility and deployments by using Telemetry Dashboard