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Deploy different Office 2010 suites


Applies to: Office 2010

Topic Last Modified: 2011-08-05

Banner stating end of support date for Office 2010 with link to more info

Two options enable you to deploy different Microsoft Office 2010 suites to the same computer: Side-by-side and Uninstall-install. This article contains the procedures for each option. Although deploying more than one Office 2010 suite on the same computer might not be required by most organizations, it can be appropriate in some scenarios. For example, departments in an organization that currently have Office Standard 2010 installed on their computers might now need applications that are available in Office Professional Plus 2010, such as Microsoft Access 2010. For a list of the applications that are included in the different Office 2010 suites, see Microsoft Office Suites (

In this article:

  • Overview of Office suite deployment options

  • Side-by-side option

  • Uninstall-install option

Overview of Office suite deployment options

The following two options are the primary means of moving from one Office 2010 suite to another within the same version:

  • Side-by-side   This option leaves the existing Office suite on the computer while the new suite is installed.

  • Uninstall-install   This option is uninstalls the existing Office suite and then installs the different Office suite.

Each option has advantages and disadvantages. Regardless of the option that you select, you can use any of the supported deployment methods, such as silent installation.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages and disadvantages for each deployment option are listed in the following tables.


Advantages Disadvantages
  • Optimized availability of applications.

  • Minimized network bandwidth usage because of the following:

    • Existing product applications and updates remain installed on the targeted computers.

    • A copy of the compressed source files for the existing Office products remains in the Local Install Source (LIS) on the targeted computers.

    • Only source files of the new product applications are copied to the LIS.

Uninstalling the original Office suite (see Side-by-side option) removes the application shortcuts for applications that are shared between the original suite and the new suite. However, these shortcuts are restored after the /repair startup command-line option is run on the new suite.


Advantages Disadvantages

Uninstalling before you install a different version is an advantage if disk space is limited on targeted computer or computers.

  • Application unavailability between uninstalling the original suite and installing the new suite.

  • Additional network bandwidth usage at the time that the new suite and updates are deployed.

  • Computer restart required after uninstalling the original suite and installing the new suite.


Before moving from one Office 2010 suite to another within the same version, verify that the correct product licensing requirements have been met. For more information about licensing, see Microsoft Volume Licensing ( and Emma Explains Microsoft Licensing in Depth! (

The example in this article describes moving from Office Standard 2010 to Office Professional Plus 2010. The same example is used in the procedure for each option: side-by-side and uninstall-install.

Side-by-side option

The following table highlights the process and references for the side-by-side option, which includes the following steps:

  1. Leave Office Standard 2010 on the targeted computer or computers, and customize Office Professional Plus 2010.

  2. Deploy and install Office Professional Plus 2010.

  3. Uninstall Office Standard 2010.

  4. Repair Office Professional Plus 2010.

Whether you move from a suite that contains fewer applications (such as Office Standard 2010) to a suite that contains more applications (such as Office Professional Plus 2010) — or the other way around — the behavior is the same. For example, the copy of the compressed source files for the existing Office products remains in the Local Installation Source (LIS) on the targeted computers. The product IDs for both installed suites are unique and exist until one of the suites is uninstalled. For more information about product code IDs, see Description of the numbering scheme for product code GUIDs in Office 2010 (

Step Reference

1. Leave the existing Office suite (Office Standard 2010 in this example) on the targeted computer or computers, and customize the new Office suite (Office Professional Plus 2010 in this example).

To review the applications that are included in each Office suite, see Office 2010 Suite Comparison (


When you customize Setup for Office Professional Plus 2010, you have to select the existing Office Standard 2010 programs that you want to keep. For example, if you installed Microsoft Word 2010 and Microsoft Excel 2010 from Office Standard 2010 and you want to continue to use them, you have to select Word 2010 and Excel 2010 during the customization for Office Professional Plus 2010 — in addition to any new programs that you want to add, such as Microsoft Access 2010.

Office 2010 Suite Comparison (

Customize Office 2010

Customize Setup before installing Office 2010

Configure feature installation states for Office 2010

2. Deploy and install Office Professional Plus 2010. You can use any of the supported methods to deploy an Office 2010 suite.


After you install Office Professional Plus 2010, you see both suites listed. Click Start, click Control Panel, click Programs, and then click Programs and Features.

Deploy Office 2010

Distribute product updates for Office 2010

3. Uninstall Office Standard 2010. You can uninstall an Office 2010 suite either through the Windows UI (click Control Panel, and then click Add/Remove Programs) or by using the /uninstall command-line option with Setup.exe.

Setup command-line options for Office 2010

How do I uninstall Office 2003, Office 2007 or Office 2010 suites if I cannot uninstall it from Control Panel? (

4. Repair Office Professional Plus 2010. You can repair an Office 2010 suite either through the Windows UI (click Control Panel, and then click Add or Remove Programs) or by using the /repair command-line option with Setup.exe.

Setup command-line options for Office 2010

Uninstall-install option

The following table highlights the process and references for the uninstall-install option, which includes the following steps:

  1. Uninstall Office Standard 2010 on a targeted computer or computers.

  2. Restart targeted computer or computers.

  3. Customize Office Professional Plus 2010.

  4. Deploy and install Office Professional Plus 2010.

Step Reference

1. Uninstall Office Standard 2010 on a targeted computer or computers.

Setup command-line options for Office 2010

How do I uninstall Office 2003, Office 2007 or Office 2010 suites if I cannot uninstall it from Control Panel? (

2. Restart targeted computer or computers.

Shutdown (

3. Customize the new Office suite.


When you customize Setup for Office Professional Plus 2010, you have to select the existing Office Standard 2010 programs that you want to keep. For example, if you installed Word 2010 and Excel 2010 from Office Standard 2010 and you want to continue to use them, you have to select Word 2010 and Excel 2010 during the customization for Office Professional Plus 2010 — in addition to any new programs that you add, such as Access 2010.

Customize Office 2010

Customize Setup before installing Office 2010

Configure feature installation states for Office 2010

4. Deploy and install Office Professional Plus 2010. You can use any of the supported methods to deploy an Office 2010 suite.


Because you are performing a complete uninstall operation, you have to add any previously installed products updates, such as service packs and security updates.

Deploy Office 2010

Distribute product updates for Office 2010