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Application Virtualization application packages


Applies to: Office 2010

Topic Last Modified: 2011-09-10

Banner stating end of support date for Office 2010 with link to more info

This article contains technical guidance for using Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) to create a Microsoft Office 2010 package.

In this article:

  • Application virtualization sequencer

  • Application virtualization packages

  • Creating an Office 2010 system package

  • Creating application dependencies by using Dynamic Suite Composition

Application virtualization sequencer

The Microsoft Application Virtualization Sequencer is a wizard-based tool that administrators use to create virtualized applications and application packages that are streamed to the App-V client computers.

During the sequencing process, the administrator puts the Sequencer program in monitor mode and installs the application to be sequenced on the sequencing computer. Next, the administrator starts the sequenced application and starts its most frequently used functions so that the monitoring process can configure the primary feature block. The primary feature block contains the minimum content that is required for an application, or multiple applications, to run. When these steps are complete, the administrator stops the monitoring mode, and then saves and tests the sequenced application to verify correct operation.

Application virtualization packages

The Sequencer produces the application package, which consists of several files, described in the following list. The .sft, .osd, and .ico files are stored in a shared content folder on the App-V Management Server and are used by the App-V client computer to access and run sequenced applications.

The .ico (icon) files specifies the application icons that appear on the App-V client desktop, and are used in the Start menu shortcuts and for file types. When you double-click the files or shortcuts, you start the shortcut to the corresponding .osd file, which starts the data streaming and the application. The experience of starting an App-V–enabled application is identical to starting a locally stored application.

The .osd (Open Software Description) file provides the information that is needed to locate the .sft file for the application and set up and start the application. This information includes the application name, the name and path of the executable file, the name and path of the .sft file, the suite name, the supported operating systems, and general comments about the application.

The .sft file contains the assets that include one or more Windows-based applications. The App-V Sequencer, without altering the source code, packages these asset files into chunks of data that can be streamed to the App-V client. The file is divided into two distinct blocks. The first block, which is known as the primary feature block, consists of the application’s most-used features, as configured during package creation.

The .sprj (Sequencer project) file is generated when a project is saved. The .sprj file contains a list of files, directories, and registry entries that are excluded by the Sequencer. Load this file into the Sequencer to add, change, delete, or upgrade any of the applications in the suite. A common example might be when you use the .sprj files to add service packs to the application.

The manifest file (XML based) describes all of the applications, file-type associations, and icons that are used by the package.

Creating an Office 2010 system package

Microsoft Office 2010 uses the Office Software Protection Platform (SPP) service. This is the same activation technology that is used to activate volume editions of Windows Vista and Windows 7 and is contained in the Microsoft Office 2010 Deployment Kit for App-V (\&clcid=0x409).

Before you can sequence a package, ensure that you have the minimum configuration necessary, and follow the guidelines provided in Best Practices for the Application Virtualization Sequencer (

You must install and configure the Microsoft Office 2010 Deployment kit for App-V on the sequencing computer. The deployment kit includes both the required SPP licensing components that are required for Office license activation ( and the Office 2010 integration features. This product must also be installed on the client computers to which virtualized Office 2010 packages will be deployed and streamed.

To create a system package, you must have a minimum of an electronic software distribution (ESD) server or an App-V Management Server, a sequencing computer, and a client computer each running the same version of Windows. Ensure that your environment meets all the relevant conditions listed in the following table.

Architecture of sequencing computer Architecture of computer that is running Office Architecture of client computer Licensing support Virtual proxy support

x86-based computer

x86-based computer

x86-based computer



x 64 (Office will run through WoW64)



x64-based computer

x86-based computer

x64-based computer (Office will run through WoW64)



x64-based computer

x64-based computer




Packages that are sequenced on x64-based computers can only be deployed to x64-based client computers. Packages that are sequenced on x86-based computers can be deployed to x86-based client computers or x64-based client computers.


Virtual proxies are optional. However, virtual proxies are only supported on 32-bit computers that are running Office 2010.

The following figure and table describe the minimum requirements and are followed by the procedures necessary to create a system package.

  • Prepare a computer for sequencing

  • Install the deployment kit

  • Sequence the Office 2010 system package

Network for a lightweight AppV infrastructure

Computer Description Required operating system


Represents the Electronic Software Distribution (ESD) server or App-V Management Server

Running Windows Server 2008


Represents the client computer setup as the sequencing computer

Running the same Windows version as C


Represents the receiving client computer for the virtualized application package

Running the same Windows version as B

Use the following procedure to prepare a computer for sequencing.

To prepare a computer for sequencing

  1. Ensure that you have Windows Search 4.0 ( installed, and set the Windows Search service to Manual or to Automatic.

  2. Download the XPS Viewer by installing the Microsoft XML Paper Specification Essentials Pack (

  3. Set the Windows Update service to Disabled.

  4. Install the App-V 4.6 Sequencer.

  5. Download the Deployment Kit ( and extract the .exe file.

  6. After you extract the .exe file, you should have an OffVirt.msi file.

Use the following procedure to install the deployment kit that enables Office 2010 client products to be sequenced and deployed by using App-V. The kit includes the components that are required for Office license activation.

To install the deployment kit

  1. Open an elevated command prompt.

    Click All Programs and Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click on Run as Administrator. Or, open the Start menu, type cmd in the search box area, and then press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.

  2. Browse to the directory that contains the Offvirt.msi file.

  3. Run the following command to install the deployment kit:

    Msiexec /i OffVirt.msi [feature flags][licensing flags]


    You must install the version of the deployment kit that matches the operating system architecture of your computer. For example, if you intend to sequence either Office 32-bit or 64-bit on a 64-bit operating system computer, you must use the 64-bit version of the deployment kit because it matches the operating system version.
    Use the feature flags for the architecture that matches your sequencing station operating system:
    For more information about the Office 2010 system volume activation and to determine which activation and licensing flags to use, see Office license activation (

The following table lists the Office 2010 product applications and Office 2010 product suites together with their corresponding licensing flag for KMS activation. To configure the appropriate license properties for KMS, specify the values that correspond to the Office 2010 product that you are sequencing, and set the flag value from the following table to 1.

For example: msiexec /i Offvirt.msi PROPLUS=1 VISIOPREM=1

KMS activation

Product application Flag Value Product suite Value Flag



0 or 1

Office Professional Plus

0 or 1




0 or 1

Office Small Business Basics

0 or 1


SharePoint Workspace


0 or 1

Office Standard

0 or 1




0 or 1



0 or 1



0 or 1



0 or 1

Project Professional


0 or 1

Project Standard


0 or 1



0 or 1

SharePoint Designer


0 or 1

Visio Premium


0 or 1

Visio Professional


0 or 1

Visio Standard


0 or 1



0 or 1

The following table lists the flags and values for MAK activation. If the Office client computers will be using MAK activation, you must install the product key by using one of the methods listed in the following table.

MAK activation

Flag Value


Multiple product keys are semicolon delimited.




0 or 1

  1. Use the Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT) 2.0, to install product keys on client computers that stream the Office 2010 system. To download the tool, see Volume Activation Tool (

  2. Deploy one or more MAKs keys by using PIDKEYS property, semicolon delimited, as shown in the table. In the following example, the Professional Plus and the Visio MAK keys are being entered, followed by the USEROPERATIONS property set to 1 to allow the client to activate.

    msiexec /i OffVirt.msi PIDKEYS=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx;yyyyy-yyyyy-yyyyy-yyyyy-yyyyy-yyyyyy USEROPERATIONS=1

  3. Mixed KMS/MAK deployments are supported. For example: use KMS for PROPLUS and MAK for Visio:

    msiexec /i OffVirt.msi PROPLUS=1 PIDKEYS=yyyyy-yyyyyy-yyyyyy-yyyyyy-yyyyyy-yyyyyy


UserOperations=1 means non-administrative users can activate Office. UserOperations=0 means only administrators can activate Office.

Use the following procedure to sequence the Office 2010 system on the sequencing computer.

To sequence the Office 2010 system

  1. On the sequencing computer, click Start, select all programs, select Microsoft Application Virtualization, and then click Microsoft Application Virtualization Sequencer. This will open the application virtualization sequencing wizard.

  2. Click Create Package to create a new package for an application.

  3. On the Package Information dialog box, specify the name of the package.

  4. For the installation folder, install to a new directory by using an 8.3 format such as Q:\Temp123.wxp, and then click OK.


    We recommend that you select a virtual drive assignment and use it consistently; typically, this is the Q:\ drive.

  5. On the Monitoring Installation dialog box, click Begin Monitoring to monitor the installation phase.

  6. Start the setup.exe for the Office 2010 system.

  7. At the Choose the installation that you want prompt, click Customize.


    In the Office installation procedure, make sure that you select Install to hard disk drive if you want that feature installed.

  8. Click the File Location tab, and configure the path to match the installation directory that you selected in step 4. Then click Install.

The following procedure to configure the first start use settings (for example, customizing user settings) is optional, but should be performed during monitoring. If you do not need the optional steps, go to To create the Primary Feature Block later in this article.

Optional steps

  1. Start virtual applications during monitoring. Click Start, and then click Run.

  2. Enter the actual path of the virtual application, and select the executable virtual file to start the virtual application.

    For example, to start Word, type q:\Temp123.wxp\Office14\WINWORD.EXE, and then press ENTER.

  3. Configure additional proxies while the sequencer is still monitoring.

Use the following procedure, which is done while on the sequencing computer, to configure additional proxies. These steps must occur during the monitoring process to have these keys correctly persisted in a deleted state in the virtual registry. Proxies enable Fast Search in Outlook Search, integration with SharePoint (openin and, editing documents), and other features.

To configure additional proxies

  1. Configure SharePoint proxy registry settings by creating the following virtual registry keys on the sequencer server while the sequencer is still monitoring, and then delete these registry keys so that the sequencer monitors the deletion of the newly added keys.

    • If you are sequencing a 32-bit operating system, the keys are as follows:



    • If you are sequencing a 64-bit operating system, the keys are as follows:



  2. Add new proxy applications for proxy support on the Configure Applications page, and select the Applications root directory. Click Add, and then add the following applications:


    To quickly locate the path, click Browse. Copy and paste the application path into the File name field.

    • Instant Search (Virtual Search host)

      Application Path: %commonprogramfiles%\microsoft shared\virtualization handler\VirtualSearchHost.exe

      Name: Specify a name. The default name is “Search MAPI Protocol Handler Host”

    • Virtual SharePoint Proxy

      Application Path: %commonprogramfiles%\microsoft shared\virtualization handler\VirtualOWSSuppManager.exe

      Name: Specify a name. The default name is “Microsoft SharePoint Client Support Manager”

    • Simple MAPI

      Application Path: %commonprogramfiles%\microsoft shared\virtualization handler\MapiServer.exe

      Name: Specify a name. The default name is “Microsoft Virtual Office Simple MAPI Proxy Server”

    • Virtual Mail Control Panel Item

      Application Path: %windir%\system32\Control.exe %SFT_MNT%\short path\Office14\mlcfg32.cpl

      Name: Specify a name. The default name is “Windows Control Panel”


      To add the parameter %SFT_MNT%\short path\Office14\mlcfg32.cpl to the application path, browse to the Control.exe application path, and click OK. Append the parameter in the Application Path field.
      The short path is the 8.3 directory on which you installed Office 2010. For example, if you installed Office 2010 to Q:\Temp123.wxp, the short path would be Temp123.wxp.

    • Office Document Cache

      Application Path: Q:\short path\Office14\MSOSync.exe

      Name: Specify a name. The default name is “Microsoft Office Document Cache”

  3. Set the Office Document Cache application to start automatically.

    Expand the Office Document Cache element in the Applications tree.

  4. Select Shortcuts. Edit the shortcut location to be Start Menu\Programs\Startup.

  5. Synchronize all application .osd file versions with the proxy .osd version.

    Right-click the Office installation file (Setup.exe), and then select Properties.

  6. Click the Version tab. Change the version of all .osd files to match that version.

    For example: If the version of Setup.exe is 14.0.4763.1000, make sure that the version number of all proxy application .osd files and Office .osd files are set to 13.04.764.1000.

  7. Click Next.

Use the following procedures to create the primary feature block that contains the minimum content required for an application or multiple applications to run. We recommend that you do not start OneNote, Outlook, and SharePoint because of the customization settings that are better preserved. During this step, do not press F1.

To create the Primary Feature Block

  1. On the Application page, click Next.

  2. Select and start the preferred applications to generate the primary feature block for each application.

  3. Click Next.

  4. After sequencing is complete, click Finish.

  5. To save the package, click Package, and then click Save As.

To configure the Office 2010 registry setting

  1. Verify that the following virtual registry key is set to Merge with Local.

    If you are sequencing on a 32-bit operating system, the registry key is as follows:


    If you are sequencing on a 64-bit operating system, the registry key is as follows:


  2. Right-click the registry key, select Key, and then verify that the Merge with Local Key check box is selected.


    If you are deploying Office 2010 to a computer that already has the 2007 Office system installed (coexistence with Office 2010), follow these steps. Otherwise, skip the rest of these steps and continue.

  3. During monitoring, create the following registry subkey:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles

    If you are sequencing on a 64-bit version of Windows, also create the following subkey:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles

    For App-V 4.6, make sure that the subkey is set to Override local key.

    For App-V 4.5, set the parent key …\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem to merge with the local key.

    Set the subkey …\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles to merge with the local key.


    The following steps must be performed during monitoring to have the key persist in a deleted state in the virtual registry.

  4. On the Tools menu, click Sequencing Wizard.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Click Begin Monitoring.

  7. Create the following virtual registry subkey, and then delete it so that the sequencer monitors the deletion of the newly added key:


  8. Click Stop Monitoring, continue to click Next, and then click Finish to return to the advanced sequencer properties page.


    You might have to add some of these XML nodes if they currently do not exist.

  9. For each .osd file, add TRUE to the following Element text of the tag:


Use the following procedure to configure the client computer to run the Office 2010 sequenced package.

To configure a client computer to run Office 2010

  1. Install the App-V client on the client computer, if you have not already done this.

  2. Browse to the directory that contains the Offvirt.msi file.

  3. At the command prompt, run the following command:

    msiexec /i OffVirt.msi [Licensing flags]

    You must enter a correct licensing flag from the list in the following table to correctly configure the deployment kit. Otherwise, functionality might be incorrect.

    KMS activation

    Product application Flag Value Product suite Value Flag



    0 or 1

    Office Professional Plus

    0 or 1




    0 or 1

    Office Small Business Basics

    0 or 1


    SharePoint Workspace


    0 or 1

    Office Standard

    0 or 1




    0 or 1



    0 or 1



    0 or 1



    0 or 1

    Project Professional


    0 or 1

    Project Standard


    0 or 1



    0 or 1

    SharePoint Designer


    0 or 1

    Visio Premium


    0 or 1

    Visio Professional


    0 or 1

    Visio Standard


    0 or 1



    0 or 1

    The following table lists the flags and values for MAK activation. If the Office clients will be using MAK activation, you must install the product key by using one of the methods listed in the table.

    MAK activation

    Flag Value


    Multiple product keys are semicolon delimited.




    0 or 1

    1. Use the Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT) 2.0 to install product keys on client computers that stream the Office 2010 system. To download this tool, see Volume Activation Tool ( on the Microsoft Download Web site.

    2. Deploy one or more MAK keys by using the PIDKEYS property, semicolon delimited, as shown in the previous table. In the following example, the Professional Plus and the Visio MAK keys are being entered, followed by the USEROPERATIONS property set to 1 to allow the client to become active.

      msiexec /i OffVirt.msi PIDKEYS=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx;yyyyy-yyyyy-yyyyy-yyyyy-yyyyy-yyyyyy USEROPERATIONS=1

    3. Mixed KMS/MAK deployments are supported. If you want, some client computers can use KMS activation, and other client computers can use MAK. For example: use KMS for PROPLUS and MAK for Visio:

      msiexec /i OffVirt.msi PROPLUS=1 PIDKEYS=yyyyy-yyyyyy-yyyyyy-yyyyyy-yyyyyy-yyyyyy

  4. Enable the proxies on the client computer only if you configured proxies during the sequencing step.

    To enable the virtual proxies for the package, open an elevated command prompt and run the following command:

    msiexec /I path of the OffVirt.msi\OffVirt.msi ADDDEFAULT=Click2runOneNoteProxy,Click2runOutlookProxies,Click2RunWDSProxy, Click2runOWSSuppProxies PACKAGEGUID={SFT package GUID} PACKAGEVERSION=versions found in OSD files for proxies, Outlook, and OneNote OUTLOOKNAME=application name for Outlook from OSD ONENOTENAME=application name for OneNote from OSD MAPISERVER=MAPI proxy application name VIRTUALSEARCHHOST=Search proxy application name MLCFG32CPL=application name for virtual mail configuration OWSSUPPServer=application name for SharePoint proxy

    For example:

    msiexec /i c:\OffVirt.msi ADDDEFAULT=Click2runOneNoteProxy,Click2runOutlookProxies,Click2runWDSProxy,Click2runOWSSuppProxies PACKAGEGUID={5971AF75-7831-4AE9-906F-0F30C7DD0CA5} PACKAGEVERSION=14.0.4763.1000 OUTLOOKNAME=”Microsoft Outlook 2010” ONENOTENAME=”Microsoft OneNote 2010” MAPISERVER=”Microsoft Virtual Office Simple Mapi Proxy Server” VIRTUALSEARCHHOST=”Search MAPI Protocol Handler Host” MLCFG32CPL=”Windows Control Panel” OWSSUPPServer=”Microsoft SharePoint Client Support Manager”

Creating application dependencies by using Dynamic Suite Composition

Dynamic Suite Composition provides a tool for administrators to control which virtual applications will be combined to create a unified, virtual working environment for an application set. Dynamic Suite Composition lets you specify mandatory or optional dependencies between virtual applications. After a virtual application is run on the client computer, it will also start the dependent virtual application’s environment and allow the combination of both virtual environments.

The Dynamic Suite Composition tool comes as part of the App-V resource kit. It reduces the risk of mistyping and the complexity that is associated with editing XML directly. The following is a sample exercise to configure two separate virtualized packages to integrate together:

  1. On the App-V server, click Start, and then click Microsoft App-V DSC Tool.

  2. In the Package Roots field, click Select, and then click Add Folder.

  3. Expand Computer, select Content where the stored packages are listed, click OK, and then click Done to build the list of available packages.

  4. In the Primary Package box, select the first package from D:\Content\....

  5. In the Secondary Packages Available box, select the second package from D:\Content\..., and then click Add.

  6. Click Save, click OK to confirm, and then click Exit to complete the procedure.

See Also

Other Resources

Proof of Concept Jumpstart Kit v1.1