Dela via



    data: revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource = None,
    output_data: typing.Union[revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource,
    str] = None, predict_var_names: list = None,
    write_model_vars: bool = False,
    extra_vars_to_write: list = None, append: typing.Union[list,
    str] = 'none', overwrite: bool = False, type: typing.Union[list,
    str] = None, cutoff: list = None,
    remove_missings: bool = False, compute_residuals: bool = False,
    residual_type: typing.Union[list, str] = 'usual',
    residual_var_names: list = None, blocks_per_read: int = None,
    report_progress: int = None, verbose: int = 0,
    xdf_compression_level: int = None, compute_context=None, **kwargs)


Calculate predicted or fitted values for a data set from an rx_dforest or rx_btrees object.



object returned from a call to rx_dtree.


a data frame or an RxXdfData data source object to be used for predictions. If a Spark compute context is being used, this argument may also be an RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxParquetData or RxSparkDataFrame object or a Spark data frame object from pyspark.sql.DataFrame.


an RxXdfData data source object or existing data frame to store predictions.


list of strings specifying name(s) to give to the prediction results


bool value. If True, and the output data set is different from the input data set, variables in the model will be written to the output data set in addition to the predictions (and residuals, standard errors, and confidence bounds, if requested). If variables from the input data set are transformed in the model, the transformed variables will also be included.


None or list of strings of additional variables names from the input data or transforms to include in the output_data. If write_model_vars is True, model variables will be included as well.


either “none” to create a new file or “rows” to append rows to an existing file. If output_data exists and append is “none”, the overwrite argument must be set to True. Ignored for data frames.


bool value. If True, an existing output_data will be overwritten. overwrite is ignored if appending rows. Ignored for data frames.


the type of prediction desired. Supported choices are: “response”, “prob”, and “vote”.


(Classification only) a vector of length equal to the number of classes specifying the dividing factors for the class votes. The default is the one used when the decision forest is built.


bool value. If True, rows with missing values are removed.


bool value. If True, residuals are computed.


Indicates the type of residual desired.


list of strings specifying name(s) to give to the residual results.


number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source. If the data and output_data are the same file, blocks_per_read must be 1.


integer value with options: 0: no progress is reported. 1: the number of processed rows is printed and updated. 2: rows processed and timings are reported. 3: rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer value. If 0, no additional output is printed. If 1, additional summary information is printed.


integer in the range of -1 to 9 indicating the compression level for the output data if written to an .xdf file.


a RxComputeContext object for prediction.


additional parameters


a data frame or a data source object of prediction results.

See also



import os
from revoscalepy import rx_dforest, rx_predict_rx_dforest, rx_import, RxOptions, RxXdfData
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "kyphosis.xdf"))
kyphosis = rx_import(input_data = ds)

# classification
formula = "Kyphosis ~ Number + Start"
method = "class"
parms = {'prior': [0.8, 0.2], 'loss': [0, 2, 3, 0], 'split': "gini"}

dforest = rx_dforest(formula, data = kyphosis, pweights = "Age", method = method,
                     parms = parms, cost = [2, 3], max_num_bins = 100, importance = True,
                     n_tree = 3, m_try = 2, sample_rate = 0.5,
                     replace = False, seed = 0, compute_oob_error = 1)
rx_pred = rx_predict_rx_dforest(dforest, data = kyphosis)

# regression
formula = "Age ~ Number + Start"
method = "anova"
parms = {'prior': [0.8, 0.2], 'loss': [0, 2, 3, 0], 'split': "gini"}

dforest = rx_dforest(formula, data = kyphosis, pweights = "Kyphosis", method = method,
                     parms = parms, cost = [2, 3], max_num_bins = 100, importance = True,
                     n_tree = 3, m_try = 2, sample_rate = 0.5,
                     replace = False, seed = 0, compute_oob_error = 1)
rx_pred = rx_predict_rx_dforest(dforest, data = kyphosis)